Question about "Backlink Exchange"


Power Member
Apr 24, 2018
Reaction score
I've been doing backlinking for a while now, and so far so good.

However, one authority site asked for a "direct backlink exchange", can I go for it?

I know that this direct link exchange is against google terms, however, is it safe to do this just once?
There is nothing wrong with a link exchange if you don't overdo it. Especially if the other site is legit.

People do it even without seo in mind
for 1 link exchange not create a big problem
Direct backlink exchange is a bad idea because it involves A>B link swap.

This is transparent to Google.

Basically, you're linking to one site and they're linking back to you.

Usually, when people do strategic backlink exchanges, it's A-B-C.

You own both A and C and B is your link partner.

In the eyes of Google, you're not doing a direct backlink exchange.

This A-B-C packs more link juice.

With that said though, you pay close attention to the content of the pages that are doing direct backlink exchange.

If they can act as natural or logical extensions of each other in terms of user value, you may be able to get away with it.

But if they're completely unrelated or the content quality simply isn't there and you're just keyword sniping, the backlink exchange might be an issue.
Link exchange for one time is not going to happen as a big issue.

Google will never do a deep analysis of that particular link.

If you do exchange a bunch of links, will create a network and you will be caught by Google.

Also, it will depend on the site which you are going to exchange. If it makes spam, Google analyzes the linked domains and considers those lists of sites are also spammy links.
You can go for it. Just make sure that the link is from relevant page to your article.
I think better to skip this one. It is a bad one. If you are really interested, Just move on. Before that the quality and relevance of the sites
I've been doing backlinking for a while now, and so far so good.

However, one authority site asked for a "direct backlink exchange", can I go for it?

I know that this direct link exchange is against google terms, however, is it safe to do this just once?

Who told you that a direct link exchange is against Google terms?
Direct backlink exchange is a bad idea because it involves A>B link swap.

This is transparent to Google.

Basically, you're linking to one site and they're linking back to you.

Usually, when people do strategic backlink exchanges, it's A-B-C.

You own both A and C and B is your link partner.

In the eyes of Google, you're not doing a direct backlink exchange.

This A-B-C packs more link juice.

With that said though, you pay close attention to the content of the pages that are doing direct backlink exchange.

If they can act as natural or logical extensions of each other in terms of user value, you may be able to get away with it.

But if they're completely unrelated or the content quality simply isn't there and you're just keyword sniping, the backlink exchange might be an issue.
This is nothing but broscience.
There's not a single shred of evidence suggesting that this happens, in fact, I'm pretty sure I saw a study where 80%+ of the top 1M websites link to each other on a frequent basis

Unless you have 1000 links and all those 1000 are pure exchanged links A>B and B>A, otherwise you won't have issues. At which point it's fairly easy to bypass, just make a bunch of "foundation" links and ur good to go, literally.
I've been doing backlinking for a while now, and so far so good.

However, one authority site asked for a "direct backlink exchange", can I go for it?

I know that this direct link exchange is against google terms, however, is it safe to do this just once?
Link exchanges are against Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.

Simply put, link exchanges can result in manual penalties from Google.
blatant link exchanges will be algorithmically ignored.
Some people need to go back and read the actual Google webmaster guidelines to see what they actually say, and then try and understand why they say what they do.
Some people need to go back and read the actual Google webmaster guidelines to see what they actually say, and then try and understand why they say what they do.
Exactly this lmao