Problems with ranking [Need Help]


Regular Member
Jan 5, 2015
Reaction score
As the title of the topic says, I have a problem with ranking.

The site is 9 months old, it got links at regular level. They were web 2.0, guest posting, and other types of directories, pdf sharing,audio shares ...

After the fred, my site dropped drastically. After that I added links, mostly gest posts, but it seems to have remained stuck.

This is my rankings ,this is for inner page, on my homepage i think i got higher competition,so im trying to rank inner pages.

These is only some of keywords which is on the top of rangings,have a same number more,but right now,they are not important to me,just want to rank something,cause i need money to invest in this baby again.

Text is original,written by one of the best writters here, content is about 1000-2000 words long, homepage about 4500 words.

Onpage seo i think its ok,with interlinking.

Site speed 78/100 mobile version is slower 63/100.
Moz says that my DA is 20 and PA 31 it was fresh domain.

I move my site 3 weeks ago to https , its done by person who done that many times,so no errors with that thing.

Im affraid of keyword anchor diversity, its only thing what i think i done wrong.

Im ready to hear what do you think, also im ready to share my site with some members who think can help me,or check my site at ahrefs,cause right now i cant afford,im running out of money.
I invest about 2.5k and still no earnings.

Thanks in advance.



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If you PM me your website I can take a look and give you few tips. I was in your situation too...but i got back on track and I have tons of long-tails on #1..

What I can tell without seeing your website is your on-site is not good enough...and maybe backlinks are not enough (quality wise)..
Pm sent.
Really like to hear what other thinks?
onpage seo + enough link juice + domain at least 3 month old + some profiles and nofollow = $$

you dont need 2500 USD to rank easy keywords. scrapebox+gsa+something for tier 1+indexer
Build more diversification links with brand anchors and make sure they are indexed (Use index jet tool to index them). Later point 2-3 PBNs with exact match anchors.
Thanks. I forgot to say that website have about 25 posts.
If this is a website that you want to earn with longterm, you need to take small steps with a patient strategy that ensures that. There's no "earn quick for a long time" strategy. You're buying all these links from God knows where, probably from sources that have already sold thousands of links and has not zero, but a minus reputation in the eyes of Google. You probably don't got a single genuine backlink. And at the end you're saying you only got 25 pages. What do you expect? The obviously bought backlinks are a red flag. The high backlink to content ratio is a red flag.

Focus more on offering quality content with the purpose of building it in an authority website and build backlinks that are niche relevant. Here's a guide that I wrote that works for me and should work for you as well: [link to my backlinking strategy]

I'd like to look at the content you've written by the way. You stand no chance if it's not well written because if your bounce rate is high or your average on-page duration is low, Google will consider your page worthless and never give you the chance to rank.

1) Be patient.
2) Think about the reader first.
3) Format your on-page content.
4) Build relevant links. Google will bite you eventually. Might as well do it right from the start.
Thanks, i alredy did before i post to this thread. Pm sent.