Pi Network does anybody knows it?


Registered Member
Oct 9, 2012
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I was looking in the internet about cryptos and i found pi network. its a beta coin but i think it is going to have a good price in the future because you can mine it through your phone. In some assian trading sites they trade it with 0.13 usd. Nothing costs to me to mine it through my phone so i have the app installed.. This app won't drain your battery neither use data of your phone.It doesnt use your cpu*

Try it if you want and if you want to help me gain some of them here is the invitation code. Gregsot
I was looking in the internet about cryptos and i found pi network. its a beta coin but i think it is going to have a good price in the future because you can mine it through your phone. In some assian trading sites they trade it with 0.13 usd. Nothing costs to me to mine it through my phone so i have the app installed.. This app won't drain your battery neither use data of your phone.It doesnt use your cpu*

Try it if you want and if you want to help me gain some of them here is the invitation code. Gregsot

I've just started using it too, il add your username to my mining pool now.
I've been mining it for a while now. Not much information out there about it yet. Hoping for more news regarding their in-app transfers soon.

If anyone wants to join my pool, here is my username - aisforadam
I am very interested, can someone guide me?

Go to the app/play store and find for Pi Network. Download it, register/KYC and let it do its thing. You'll need a referer to join the network so you can use either mine above or the OP's
I was looking in the internet about cryptos and i found pi network. its a beta coin but i think it is going to have a good price in the future because you can mine it through your phone. In some assian trading sites they trade it with 0.13 usd. Nothing costs to me to mine it through my phone so i have the app installed.. This app won't drain your battery neither use data of your phone.It doesnt use your cpu*

Try it if you want and if you want to help me gain some of them here is the invitation code. Gregsot

So guys untill now Pi network coin has a value of 0.16 usd but its price prediction is 1 to 5 usd in the end of 2020. The developers of the coin said that its value will be 1000usd. That's why you should download the app from playstore and start mining. Dont forget invitation code Gregsot
I also have pi I don't think it'll hurt to jum in early on this nvr know it could have a big impact, my understanding is it was Stanford University students who created this currency. Ppl may take to that background my username bigmo38
I also have pi I don't think it'll hurt to jum in early on this nvr know it could have a big impact, my understanding is it was Stanford University students who created this currency. Ppl may take to that background my username bigmo38

Yes it's from Stanford University, like Google was and i think that they will promote this coin very much it doesnt cost nothing to me to mine it
Pffff... Guys, i dont want to estimate about it... sorry. just want to tel you - pfffff.....
So this thread is just people pushing their referral code :D
pi is has no value yet like bitcoin in the beggining. but it will gain, so if i have 30000pi and its value is 1usd after 1 year i will have 30000 usd
I am not sure it will be worth 1$.....No one knows...i don't have strong belief in this coin...anyone else?
Actually, you cannot mine a coin with your phone. Don't wanna break your party but this is just empty marketing. And the comparison with the bitcoin in the beginning of its life... it's really forced.... I saw on different sites this idea, but really you're just wasting your time.
Actually, you cannot mine a coin with your phone. Don't wanna break your party but this is just empty marketing. And the comparison with the bitcoin in the beginning of its life... it's really forced.... I saw on different sites this idea, but really you're just wasting your time.
Actually i dont lose any time i am all day in my phone and my pc so 2 seconds to tap and mine is not something for me
I learned about this pi network two days ago. I saw that the core team apart from 3 Stanford University students, one of them is from Greece. That's where I am from so I guess I will give it a try. If it's a scam we will see it but for now it cost me nothing to mine it. The only thing you have to do is to add some friends and just click a button once a day! My invitational code is: "marstay" ;)
Well if you want to try it's better to just buy the coin. Than mine it.
I, like many, was skeptical when first hearing about the Pi Network, but like many, I was also one to have been skeptical back in the early days of Bitcoin and I sold off and pulled out because reviewers, analysts and finance experts all said it was a scam and a waste of time. That is a mistake I won't make again! My £100 worth of bit coin when it was less that 0.10 per coin would have made me a different man today! But there's a reason for everything, isn't there!

I've been using the Pi Network App for a good while now and as much as I try to dig for the flaws so far, I have come up empty handed. I have researched each founder, as well as others that have been involved. I have read the reviews, which many are speculative in both directions of acceptance. ultimately, we have an App that does not ask for any personal information, no crazy permissions, does not burn battery, and is easy as Pi (pun intended) to use and build up a decent stock pile of rewarded Pi Coins. The company is very transparent in the fact that this is still in Phase 1, it's a beta program, and that they Pi Coin currently has absolutely no value, cannot be traded or used in transactions, but that it will ultimately be up to us users and our involvement and interest that will drive it's growth as a "Social Currency". This shouldn't be mistaken with a previously released Pi Coin that has failed miserably before and there is not affiliation between the two.

Ultimately, someone would have absolutely nothing to lose at this time. Even if it doesn't take off, then so be it, it was fun to race for coins. But if it does take off as it seems to be expected to and hoped to, then this could change many aspects of how cryptocurrency is utilised in this world and provide a more fairly distributed wealth system with greater accessibility and a more broad e-commerce adoption for every day simple transactions. I personally predict that their end game, in order to remain internalised, secure, and to be sure the middle man and governments keep their hands out of this currency, is to ultimately become their own bank. This can be accomplished easily and I can see them issuing personalised debit type cards to existing users to spend their pi in every day stores and even eventually creating a loan and credit system, all of which will convert the values into whichever currency you are needing to spend it in. This will be the key to allowing a broad adoption and high frequency of transactions across the globe. No more limitations for the common user with expensive mining hardware and costs, limited investing knowledge, or fees from third party investment companies and institutions. They can retain all control to keep the people money "for the people". Think of a Paypal type system meets Square Payments, both bucking the trends of typical banks and making life a little cheaper and easier for people. This is by no means a guarantee and i could go much deeper into details, but that sums up my "idea" and hope for the future of Pi, and it seems like some of their current choices may be leading to this type of end result. Oh, and if you're interested in trying it out for yourself, just download the free app and use the invite code: “TheSnari123”

Cheers and happy mining!
I just found about this but I'm very skeptical.

1. Check it's website and there's only 2 person on the team? WTF?

2. Yes, you said Nicolas Kokkalis. I can't find anything about pi network in his personal youtube channel "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0siphrEBB1pqNCj3CnNMPA/playlists". Are you sure he's really the person behind it and not somebody stole his identity?

3. the best article I can find about it is in
the only problem is the author only write this article and never post again since 2019.