The reality nowadays is that Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, etc all see smm (social media marketing) as an illegitimate business and hence nowadays the reality is that if a buyer uses Paypal or any other payment gateway (that processes Visa, Mastercard, etc) to buy any smm service and then the buyer raises a dispute, then in 99.99% of cases, Paypal (and the payment gateway) favours the buyer only. And so is the case nowadays in relation to lots of non-physical digital virtual products as well.
Nowadays all buyers are already aware of this "loophole" and therefore after buying any non-physical digital virtual products, buyers raise a dispute / chargeback knowing very well that 99.99%, Paypal / the payment gateway will favour only the buyers.
So nowadays, anyone selling smm services and many other non-physical digital virtual products and accepting Paypal and / or payment gateways (Visa, Mastercard, etc), such sellers are doing nothing but running a non-profit free charity business.
For smm services and also for non-physical digital virtual products as well, nowadays buyers are open to pating with crypto and are paying with crypto.
People like to live in the past and refuse to change as per latest trends and that is why, very unfortunately, sellers are still nowadays under the myth that accepting crypto will affect or reduce sales : it was so in the past, but it is no longer so now.
If you are selling smm services / non-physical digital virtual products, then dump Paypal, dump payment gateways (Visa, Mastercard, etc) and accept crypto OR be happy running a non-profit free charity business, (without complaining).
It is as very (super duper) simple as that nowadays.