Other than PBN what are the other methods you are using?


Power Member
Jun 21, 2012
Reaction score
Just need to know wha tother methods you are using?
Guest posting when done right.
Parasites still pushing sites good lately?.
In some markets they have the entire first pages. Most are subject to heavy rotation though.
what are parasites?
This is an old thread, things have evolved but it still covers the basics: https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/parasites-pwn-leeching-from-authority-sites.702089/
BTW in this case I count guest posts on 'local news' type sites as parasites, as you are leeching their authority to help rank.

I guess ill have to check them out again
Success with parasites will also depend on what market you're in. For example YMYL seem to use them extensively, while you rarely see a single parasite in some other niches.
Guests posts also work good if you target good blogs.
What kind of blogs? Do you mean paid blogs? I have done those and it doesn't even seem good. Like I dont see any increases.

Im bit skeptical about buying from the paid ones on this forum. They are black hat and im just worried about the damage they are doing. Right now im doing SEO only but I need to know what other methods can be done to push those rankings up
There are many Off page technique available such as Guest posts, Niche edit, Press release, Editorial placement if you have good budget.
Just purchased a press release to 200 sites but really afraid of external paid pbns and guest posts cus those seem to tank the rankings
After add PBN link add Forum post (good for direct traffic too), blog comment, Web 2.0
I use every other method than PBN :D

(Not saying PBN's are bad, just that I don't use them ;) )