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New Rules on BST Posts

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Elite Member
Jan 13, 2009
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Hi All,

Now seen this ridiculous rule that we need permission form the original developers before a BST can be approved?

So if we purchase something from a big developer direct, there is no way they will send a letter or email saying this small fry has bought this from us. One of the most ludicrous rules I have seen yet.
There is no way a big developer will send an email saying someone bought direct from them.
does seem odd - as for example you can bet bhw SMM like sellers
probably half of them are re-sellers

Exactly. What this rules means is you cannot be a reseller. Defeats the whole purpose of a BST
Exactly. What this rules means is you cannot be a reseller. Defeats the whole purpose of a BST

Actually it doesn't. All the graphic designers, content writers etc are creating their own unique products.

If everyone was just reselling the same thing, its just a price war.

Current rules state you cannot just be a reseller, you need to add value to the product/service and handle the support issues that may arise.
Actually it doesn't. All the graphic designers, content writers etc are creating their own unique products.

If everyone was just reselling the same thing, its just a price war.

Current rules state you cannot just be a reseller, you need to add value to the product/service and handle the support issues that may arise.

So what makes you think a product sold cant be supported by the reseller? And when there are other bonuses added, is that not value? So in other words you are now cutting off the head of a lot of the people who are NOT designers or content writers. But yet, if you look at all the posts you find hundreds of people that find value in products that they save thousands of dollars and thats value imo. I dont actually see everyone doing the same products. I certainly havent seen all the BST's I have with someone else doing the same thing. So not sure your point is very valid to be honest. It is what users perceive as value than some mods that is going to matter,
So what makes you think a product sold cant be supported by the reseller?

You've answered that yourself when selling a 4 year subscription to Malwarebytes Premium, but you're unable to support it for 4 years:

Yes legit and you redeem directly from MWB website. 30 day guarantee. Cant give you 4 year warranty for $10.
So not sure your point is very valid to be honest. It is what users perceive as value than some mods that is going to matter,

It's 'some mods' who have to deal with the SLs when resellers cannot provide what they are selling and offer the support etc.

My point is - This was addressed here; https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/can-i-resell-a-software-service-in-bhw.1187248/post-12725386

As one of the forum Admins pointed out back then; "you need also to prove that you have the right to resell the software. "
The Marketplace is not meant to be a garage sale where people can throw whatever garbage they have lying on their PC up in a BST and make a quick buck from it.

Sellers are meant to create BSTs for services and products that they have control over. If someone is reselling something they have no permission to offer and no control over the product/service, then it only inevitably causes issues in the future.
The Marketplace is not meant to be a garage sale where people can throw whatever garbage they have lying on their PC up in a BST and make a quick buck from it.

Sellers are meant to create BSTs for services and products that they have control over. If someone is reselling something they have no permission to offer and no control over the product/service, then it only inevitable causes issues in the future.
I agree.

But I have seen people selling

Edu emails, AWS accounts with credits, Grammarly accounts

Should we consider threads like those - as violation of the mentioned rule?

They are basically "exploiting" a feature that aren't well known. And they have no control over validity of these accounts/credits etc.

If we do consider these threads as violations, while it may take a while - we should handle them as well.
Yeah this rule might affect those selling premium accounts for cheap. Many will probably go to other blackhat forums where people are selling such accounts. But if the admin thinks that it's for the best, then so be it. :)
I don't have a BST here, but if I did; I would be selling original services for sure. Reselling is just too risky in a huge forum like this, as you can never ensure quality. If that original developer really cares about you, he will provide the permission anyway. If he doesn't, you can never ensure quality lol. I'd say this is a great rule. Many of the low quality BSTs will now vanish, and the overall quality of the marketplace will improve. Not sure who made this rule, but it's a genius move. It's like killing two birds with one stone. :p
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This is a great rule actually and will provide direct suppliers and actual people that can provide high quality service bring home the bacon they deserve & stay away from fraudsters that resell and dispute their orders.
For buyers, this will save a lot of trouble considering they know they buy directly from a supplier and not a middle man.

+1 for the rule!
The more rules and common sense needed to get a BST approved the better, as far as I'm concerned.
I have had one turned down in the past as it involved a third party. I understand BHW's point of view.
If SL's are appearing in google searches, it taints all those BHW members with BST's that are actually trying to provide a valuable service to others.
is it me only, or does BHW really turns into WHW? :D

No it is making sure that the buyers are not part of ScrewTheBuyerWorld.
No it is making sure that the buyers are not part of ScrewTheBuyerWorld.

bro, you might be a mod and feel like you know more than I do, but you'd be wrong. I have seen this shit so many times in the last 20 years that I'd be surprised if there were any other models left. The sooner an american company rises to power and acquires enough wealth the sooner they start shitting on those who have made it big. It's happened to google, it's happened to facebook, amazon, and now with BHW, too.

BHW was supposed to be a marketplace full of shitty stuff and weird people, and illegal merchandise and services because... you know... it is was BHW. But as the site grew bigger and drew the attention of filthy rich idiots who can't stand competition from poorer people they have bribed their way into changing the rules in their favor, and the first rules are to get rid of the competition (the poorer or "shady" competitors, namely).
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