New grants account not spending


Previously banned member
Nov 26, 2022
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I have a new grants account that was set up 4 days ago. Despite all ads being eligble, the campaigns are not spending. I have been working with google ads for a long time but this is the first grant account I have managed. With the first campaign I used max clicks as there is no prior data for max conversions. That didnt start working after 2 days so i setup another campaign with manul cpc just as a test but no success.

Only thing I can think of besides longer than usual delay is the conversion tracking policies of grant accounts. I brought conversions from analytics as I dont yet have access to gtm. Despite this google is still telling me to setup conversion tracking so I was wondering if grant account for some reason requires google ads conversion tracking.

All help is appreciated!
Four days is enough to have seen some activity by now. Maybe you should check again for policy issues. Sometimes certain keywords or ad content can trigger disapproval.
Maybe its because there is a lot of competitors for the same keyword. When u create a campaign if everything is fine starts spending few hours after creation