New Business Venture?


Power Member
Dec 24, 2019
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Some of you may have seen my dropshipping success journey to $100,000.

I am by no means quitting the business, it’s just that recent events such as mistaken merchant center shutdowns, stripe shutdowns and google ad accounts banned have made me look at other business models to try my hand at, so if for whatever reason my dropshipping business is unprofitable, I will have another source of income.

I’ve probably missed out on $170K because of the month google has fucked me for so far. Made me come to realise that there are so many moving parts in dropshipping and ecom that really can be unstable.

Again, I am not quitting the model at all, I am looking to start an additional income stream that is separate.

With that in mind, what suggestions come to mind? Commitment is not an issue for me. Not expecting to see any results for 1-2 years.

Skills are:

Website design (Mainly shopify, I’ll admit)
Video creation and editing
photo / thumbnail editing
decent keyword research/ basic seo
PPC - Google and a bit of FB

Have a decent chunk of capital to work with $10K+ for this.

Thank you for reading :)
Made me come to realise that there are so many moving parts in dropshipping and ecom that really can be unstable.

That's with most businesses, that's why profits often correlate with market adaptability (especially true in the dropshipping space).
Skills are:

Website design (Mainly shopify, I’ll admit)
Video creation and editing
photo / thumbnail editing
decent keyword research/ basic seo
PPC - Google and a bit of FB

Have you thought about starting an agency and using your skills to not only build a skillful team but to also generate clients?
Hey, sorry for the rough times, gotta admit you're taking it like a true champion.

Have you considered straight up coaching people on how to reach success near yours?

I know (indirectly) someone who launched his coaching/consulting off of success similar (in scale) to yours, just by a branding campaign of podcast appearances followed by remarketing, was booked all day long every single day for $150+ an hour until he burned himself out.

It's definitely not for everyone, but the market is literally thirsty for genuine, truly knowledgeable people who are willing to coach on a 1 on 1 level. This wasn't US-based so depending on where you're from (or who you would be talking to via zoom or w/e), prices could go higher. What can I say, people are sick of fake gurus lmao.

That's all I can tell you, I know a guy who knows a guy, lol.
That's with most businesses, that's why profits often correlate with market adaptability (especially true in the dropshipping space).

Sure, of course. It’s with dropshipping and ecom the issue is that the powers at be (especially G) make it very difficult to resolve any difficulties they give you. For example it’s been 5 weeks since the account suspension and they still haven’t contacted me back - but that’s besides the point. Don’t want to derail the thread :)

I have not actually thought of starting my own agency. It does sound very profitable, with the upside being ads with G can be relatively hands free if you know what you are doing.

A major downside I can think of is that G holds you by the balls. An accidental suspension and boom. Say goodbye to all your clients and accounts. Business gone.

Especially when G is taking 6 weeks to even reply to emails because of covid.

Although I suspect this delayed response time with G is coming to an end soon. If that is the case, agency is definitely a great idea, thank you! :)
I know (indirectly) someone who launched his coaching/consulting off of success similar (in scale) to yours, just by a branding campaign of podcast appearances followed by remarketing, was booked all day long every single day for $150+ an hour until he burned himself out.

Damn! That’s such a simple yet genius idea. If possible could we have a conversation over PMs about this? I understand it’s a guy who knows a guy, but this seems very intriguing to me and something I’d like to know more about :)

Thank You
A major downside I can think of is that G holds you by the balls. An accidental suspension and boom. Say goodbye to all your clients and accounts. Business gone.

That's why you build a retentive client base, so when Google leaves you, you leave having clients.

Can't you churn-and-burn 'ad accounts' to build your customers little by little (if need be)?
Can't you churn-and-burn 'ad accounts' to build your customers little by little (if need be)?

I’ve actually got an multi client ad account in good standing at the moment. But G seems to be on a big merchant center purge recently - that’s the big issue.

That being said - I’d still be able to leverage my skill in search ads for clients, whilst G sorts it’s shit out for merchant centers :)
Not surprised on the dropshipping. Google, being an asset that none of us controls makes anything reliant upon any aspect of the engine “unstable”. Can get screwed at any moment. It’s so ridiculous but such is life. Congrats though on the money you made and best of luck in the new venture