[Need advice] About Facebook ID verification


Power Member
Feb 7, 2017
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Hi guys,
I bought an aged US facebook account from one person for promoting our products. But now, I got a warning that I should verify my account for creating new ads and copying the ads on BM ads account.
The gender of that account profile is female, including the profile image. But i'm a man.
How should I do now? Should i PS one female ID card to upload?
Really appreciate any suggestions from you guys.
Thanks in advance
I can give you a female ID for free, but it's a random name, you can try it,I don't know if it will work...if you want, pm me
I can give you a female ID for free, but it's a random name, you can try it,I don't know if it will work...if you want, pm me
Of course this won't work, are you trolling?

@jeanfrank in short you should buy from services that prepare this for you.

In long, you could try and contact another service and buy one off of them, with showing them pictures from the account, they may make one for you. What geo is it
Of course this won't work, are you trolling?
It's not so simple, don't tell bs. The average ID seller makes a dumb job selling poorly edited id's. Personally, some time ago I tried to send an ID with a totally different name/picture and it worked. It's totally random.
This happens all the times, there are some stores that sells real ID PSD templates that can pass such verification one I know is smshgm.online, just have the name on the fb and use it to edit the template. save as jpg format not png then upload it to the fb.
This happens all the times, there are some stores that sells real ID PSD templates that can pass such verification one I know is smshgm.online, just have the name on the fb and use it to edit the template. save as jpg format not png then upload it to the fb.
Okay thanks, I will check it out
It's not so simple, don't tell bs. The average ID seller makes a dumb job selling poorly edited id's. Personally, some time ago I tried to send an ID with a totally different name/picture and it worked. It's totally random.
I guess you are right.
I can give you a female ID for free, but it's a random name, you can try it,I don't know if it will work...if you want, pm me
That depends. I tried this method a few years ago, but it didn't work for me last year.
It's not so simple, don't tell bs. The average ID seller makes a dumb job selling poorly edited id's. Personally, some time ago I tried to send an ID with a totally different name/picture and it worked. It's totally random.
I hope so. I'm afraid that the account would be banned if I randomly upload a different id. But I will try.
Hi guys,
I bought an aged US facebook account from one person for promoting our products. But now, I got a warning that I should verify my account for creating new ads and copying the ads on BM ads account.
The gender of that account profile is female, including the profile image. But i'm a man.
How should I do now? Should i PS one female ID card to upload?
Really appreciate any suggestions from you guys.
Thanks in advance
use the name and photo in that personal facebook account and photoshop software, then upload the id, everything is solved
You can create a fake ID with that name and upload that for verification. You can hire someone to photoshop that for you. Don't upload any other ID otherwise you will be banned immediately. Once I did this and it worked for me. There are many chances that It might work for you.
You can create a fake ID with that name and upload that for verification. You can hire someone to photoshop that for you. Don't upload any other ID otherwise you will be banned immediately. Once I did this and it worked for me. There are many chances that It might work for you.
May I know if there is a website that can create fake ID? I just wanted to upload the picture and leave the name.
just send your ID no need ot get a fake one it should work either way.