My weird attitude on forums

Mar 11, 2013
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When I first started typing on BHW about 3 years ago I had a bunch of weird thoughts;
  • they're all tricksters who try to trick fools into buying their methods and realistically know nothing,
  • all of them are fake gurus,
  • they don't know anything of value,
  • nobody here is successful and high revenue here is considered mid 4 figures monthly,
  • moderators never made it and are just volunteers,
  • they only know SEO and there is no real players in other areas,
  • I should find another place as this one has not much to offer,
  • I should think I'm a lot smarter than most of people here - turned out to be dunning kruger thing.
  • I thought people won't understand anything as I am the smartest out there and only I have revolutionary knowledge - turned out what I say is more obvious than other people.
And more.
The biggest gate to the club of black hat is mindset.

Thinking this forum is of low value is the biggest problem if you want to start your black / grey hat business path.

If you accept that people here are smarter than you, you will start to believe what they say and see this knowledge in the real world.

This may create a positive snow-ball effect.

If you assume they're not very smart, you'll turn very smart ideas in your perception to very bad ideas which will make you suffer and unsuccessful.

Hating and rejecting smarter is one of the worst things to do for mindset and growth.
:) one thing for sure Owner of this forum earn.
I think in the early days I saw someone say moderators don't make much.

They even said that themselves.

But when you read their posts, these just seem to be smokes and mirrors.

They actually bank or used to bank. Some of them just retired.
I think in the early days I saw someone say moderators don't make much.

They even said that themselves.

But when you read their posts, these just seem to be smokes and mirrors.

They actually bank or used to bank. Some of them just retired.
:) you are wrong. Is confirm for sure owner of this forum earn. Those paid ads , those member ship per year in order for some IM to sell their service and products and we random ones will always be here check out which providers are good etc thus you see this forum have a market here = $$$
I think in the early days I saw someone say moderators don't make much.

They even said that themselves.

But when you read their posts, these just seem to be smokes and mirrors.

They actually bank or used to bank. Some of them just retired.
Most of the Mods still have enterprises that are internet based.

You are incorrect there.

As to pay, the Volunteer Mods do not get paid so that is not making much as they do that as a labor of love for the community.

I know most of the Vol Mods and those are all doing very well financially.

You are talking out of your backside when you make comments that are backed up with rumor, speculation, and innuendos.
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nobody here is successful and high revenue here is considered mid 4 figures monthly,

Technically everyone who earns at least $2700 per month is in the 1% of the earners in the world.

"According to the Global Rich List, an annual salary of about 32,000 US dollars would place you in the top 1 per cent. 32,000 United States dollars – I am not missing a zero. This roughly translates into a sixteen dollar per hour wage, to get into the top 1 per cent globally. I would guess that most people reading this article make that wage. This is by no means a comfortable income in many countries but spare a thought for the 99 per cent of people who live below this wage – most of them live in a different reality from this 1 per cent."

did you buy this account?
No. I had an assumption that working at this forum would be nonsense when I was 18 or so.

I could barely understand what people said here.

I thought they're either not very articulate or there is something wrong with me.

Turned out that it was my newbie issue.
You post proves that Assumptions can be a bitch sometimes, never assume anything in life.
As a wise man one time said: "assumptions are the mother of all fck ups".

Alternative? Ask questions if you don't understand instead of getting angry. You'll be surprised how much stress hormones go down thanks to this.

If you have less cortisol, your hormones like testosterone go up. Since cortisol is antagonizing testosterone.
When I first started typing on BHW about 3 years ago I had a bunch of weird thoughts;
  • they're all tricksters who try to trick fools into buying their methods and realistically know nothing,
  • all of them are fake gurus,
  • they don't know anything of value,
  • nobody here is successful and high revenue here is considered mid 4 figures monthly,
  • moderators never made it and are just volunteers,
  • they only know SEO and there is no real players in other areas,
  • I should find another place as this one has not much to offer,
  • I should think I'm a lot smarter than most of people here - turned out to be dunning kruger thing.
  • I thought people won't understand anything as I am the smartest out there and only I have revolutionary knowledge - turned out what I say is more obvious than other people.
And more.
Hey….. would you mind sharing some interesting websites if it’s not too detrimental to you?
I'm not sure how to read the energy of this post. It seems like you're trying to clarify your enlightenment as a human being and a business person, but for a large portion of this text you're not representing yourself in a way that shows that you've achieved the peak of the mountain.

It's always good to hear anyone's journey on mental health/well-being and breaking away from being stubborn thinking and engaging more with other people. I hope that this is truly the path that you're on, and I also hope that you'll find a way to communicate this information in a way that's giving advice to the newcomers like myself instead of what reads like aiming to be praised by the more experienced members of the community.
One thing that i got to know in my time here is that I am just a fish in the vast ocean of SEO Experts who know much more than me.
I'm not sure how to read the energy of this post. It seems like you're trying to clarify your enlightenment as a human being and a business person, but for a large portion of this text you're not representing yourself in a way that shows that you've achieved the peak of the mountain.

It's always good to hear anyone's journey on mental health/well-being and breaking away from being stubborn thinking and engaging more with other people. I hope that this is truly the path that you're on, and I also hope that you'll find a way to communicate this information in a way that's giving advice to the newcomers like myself instead of what reads like aiming to be praised by the more experienced members of the community.
I just write in this "direct thought to paper" way. I just don't have energy to put everything into a nicely written post.

Sometimes I'll do that but not feeling well today. :D

All it shows is how kid develops into more grown up form. Which isn't enlightment. I'll probably be stuck at 16 year old form for forever anyways.

I haven't achieved much and because of that I am tired and run on fumes. I have to work.

Sometimes I give direct advice, but this post was exclusively intellectual masturbation of mine.

I know your idea could give me some thought leadership leader opinion, but for now I'm too careless about my opinion.

You can use Gemini Advanced and ChatGPT to extract more value. I use this if I don't understand something.

Hey….. would you mind sharing some interesting websites if it’s not too detrimental to you?
Are these hard to find? To not try TikTok is my philosophy. They're too harsh for their users and it's just a fad!
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BHW is the only place in the internet I know where users share their real opinion on making money.
Rich people in the real world will always tell you to stay whitehat while doing blackhat business everyday themselves.
BHW is the only place in the internet I know where users share their real opinion on making money.
Rich people in the real world will always tell you to stay whitehat while doing blackhat business everyday themselves.
Goes by the name "corruption" and "public relations".

Edit: if you search this forum, you'll find some fools arguing with the players and them fools get banned in arguments. So keep your arguments and fallacies for yourself.
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The people on here are looking for the most efficient way to achieve what they're trying to achieve. In this case it's usually anything related to being a webmaster of any niche.

Everyone is very modest and or private, as one thing that comes from "experiencing" blackhat is that you can easily be a victim.

Your first two points are kinda accurrate tbh, a lot of SEO gurus selling crap "packs" of cheap spam backlinks, they try to tell you it's hot shit and they're right - it's hot shit.

BHW is a collection of what the media would call "retail investors" attempting to become businessmen. From my experience here - there are some huuuuuge players. And earning a lot of money is very relative, 3k a month in the US is borderline poverty, but from where I'm from you're a baller that's filthy upper middle class and can comfortably afford good housing, very good car, vacations and so forth, picture the American dream... But in Eastern Europe.
BHW is a collection of what the media would call "retail investors" attempting to become businessmen. From my experience here - there are some huuuuuge players. And earning a lot of money is very relative, 3k a month in the US is borderline poverty, but from where I'm from you're a baller that's filthy upper middle class and can comfortably afford good housing, very good car, vacations and so forth, picture the American dream... But in Eastern Europe.
This can be achieved with "crap "packs" of cheap spam backlinks, they try to tell you it's hot shit and they're right - it's hot shit."

Ironically. Both by using and selling them. Just in the right order which is your work to figure it out.