My Quiz Journey


Sep 4, 2020
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

I thought I'd start a journey thread for my quiz site project as a way to stay accountable, etc. This is my first time in the quiz field--up to this point the little bit of money I made was in the adult side of things. Anyway, I'll try not to be too long-winded and just get to the facts. So far I have done the following-

-Purchased hosting
-Purchased a domain name
-Purchased the Quize plugin along with the import/export add-on
-Installed Wordpress
-Installed Quize and played around with it
-Wrote 7 quizzes.

By Monday I hope to have completed 30 quizzes so I have enough content when I start applying for ad networks. I think that's what @se900se said was a good amount.
Good luck man! Lots of great quiz journeys on here to look for inspiration!
-Purchased hosting
-Purchased a domain name
-Purchased the Quize plugin along with the import/export add-on
-Installed Wordpress
-Installed Quize and played around with it
-Wrote 7 quizzes.
Good luck mate, I'm following
Okay, end of the day and I have 10 quizzes written. Right now my quizzes are all in one subject but I plan to branch out tomorrow. I'm wondering what the optimum amount of questions per quiz is. Is someone more likely to spend the time to take a 30 question quiz vs three 10 questions quizzes or two 15 question quizzes?
Following your thread, how will you get traffic to your quiz's are you going down the paid ad route or something else?
Quick update- Still plugging away at content writing and trying to make the 30 quiz threshold by the end of the day. I started out with a fairly involved writing process but I've shifted to a lighter style that should be just as engaging but takes me about 25% of the time. Hoping that I'll have something more exciting to post about tomorrow.
Update- I probably got a little too involved in content creation but I now have 50 quizzes ready to post this weekend. I won't need anymore content until I get everything up and running now. My Wordpress skills are pretty weak but let's see what I can accomplish.
Im following! Good luck!
Please share the information in as much detail as possible, it's all very interesting
Goodluck on your journey! Looking forward to the rest of the details on your updates.
Update- Working on uploading a bunch of CSV files full of content. I'm trying to figure out what images I should or even can include. I don't want to get in copyright trouble but I do want to make the content as engaging as possible which I would assume images associated with the quiz would do. Or do they just slow things down and get in the way of ads?
I just need to get my quizzes published so I can start getting some ad networks I guess. I'll make it pretty after that.
Update- Still uploading quizzes to my site. I'm a little stuck on the strategy and structure to use. I think having a congratulations page or wrong answer page with the correct answer after each question page makes the most sense. Others seem to prefer the universal congratulations and wrong pages and a list of the correct answers on the last page of the quiz. That seems unpleasant to me. I'll probably set them all up to my preference and then run some tests using other configurations later.