Alright, so, let's check what's going on
I have started the FB promotion last week (6 days ago) and didn't have any conversions.
Spending $$ on ads via FB and for a very short period (6 days) isn't even a factor that determines wither your campaign is good or not. (In your case, I can't say much because we haven't got any single detail about your targeting, make sure to share that as well).
If you had posted some details about what you did, I could have suggested something, but I can only work with what's provided which is your site, so here are some:
1- You have the product page as your homepage. I understand the one product stores are good (really they are), but that's not the way to do it. YOU NEED A HOMEPAGE. No matter what the course you bought told you (nothing against FH, he's good, but still a guru). I'm into the pets niche, I have a dog, I'm an active buyer, but won't at any case buy from your store.
2- Not a good slider, Lack of banners and media (not speaking about the reviews)
3- Lack of shipping details (you might have these on the checkout, but more people will want to check it before)
4- No trust seals (I know it's a completely unneeded factor, but in your case, you would want that under the ATC since the store needs a lot of content and people can't trust it like that)
5- Your about us page is almost nonexisting. Again, the site need to emit a trusty aura. Something that help the visitors get out their wallet. They saw products similar to yours thousands of times. Why would they buy from you?
Getting more details about the targeting would help a lot.