However, I'm sure you can find some other things that make you happy than working.
I also enjoy working a lot, but I also like to reward myself with nice things, if I believe I have 'achieved' good milestones.
For example, I just bought last week a nice bottle of Dom Perignon to celebrate a few projects well done. I also recently got myself a nice vintage watch, just because I felt like I deserved it. I also just came back from a week-long hiking trip to Norway; just because I wanted a little something for myself for working hard the last few months.
I'm sure you can also find some things that make you happy, other than working. Make sure to reward yourself for the work you do.
The more I earn, the less I appreciate money, because it loses its original purpose. I wasn't born into a wealthy family, so I started my first business when I was 14, because I wanted money, so I wouldn't have to worry about finance.
Now that I don't have to worry about finance anymore, money starts to lose its value to me. That's why I make sure to reward myself with nice things, so I can still be motivated to work.