Meta Tags


Registered Member
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
I had a colleague ask me a good question today and I want to know of its truthfulness.

In meta information, for example a title, if I was to put in 3 keyword phrases, and 2 of them shared a keyword, and I combined the 2, would that hurt my relevancy for the onsite SEO?

For clarity:

If I had a weather vane site (which I don't) and my meta information was:

Weather, Wind Vanes | mysite.somethign

Would it be better to do:

Weather vanes, wind vanes | domain name here?

Or, does it even matter?

Wafflecheese (my first post)
In my PERSONAL experience upper case (1st example) seems to be slightly better. But I believe the repetition of a certain term (in your 2nd example vanes) might be far more beneficial. In essence the combination of the 2 techniques should work best. HTH!
In my PERSONAL experience upper case (1st example) seems to be slightly better. But I believe the repetition of a certain term (in your 2nd example vanes) might be far more beneficial. In essence the combination of the 2 techniques should work best. HTH!

Then, may I ask, is keyword density going to be mal-affected? If I had a repetition of 'vanes' that went above 5%, say, would this not hurt?

For this I am wondering how to construct the meta.

It's a balance between density, characters in the title, keywords in proximity, etc.