Make bank with road signs?


Registered Member
Oct 7, 2008
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Just curious I'm thinking outside the box....... anyone make some bank by placing road signs for certain products?? Let me hear your thoughts
making a street sign similar to a stop sign and sticking it in the ground is definitely illegal... maybe a cardboard sign with 2 little pegs as legs but that will get taken down quick as hell and will probably cost you a fair amount per decent sign.
I thought about this a while back. Have digital sign boards side of the road and have it rotate ads. Then contact local business and offer your service.
Place this through out the state. And live off of passive income.
I thought about this a while back. Have digital sign boards side of the road and have it rotate ads. Then contact local business and offer your service.
Place this through out the state. And live off of passive income.

Digital signs would be cool but I believe the OP is talking about placing bandit signs.
exactly bro. I'm not going to make road signs......I'm sure you see these signs all over your town & they aren't illegal.
They are illegal in most areas but the penalty is that they just take your signs. If you do this, place your signs out on Friday after 5:00 in the afternoon as code enforcement is done for the weekend and you'll get a good bang for your buck.

I used to hand write signs and place them out offering a cheap but good landscaping service. I would take the calls and sell the leads to local landscaping companies.
In vegas, they drive around with signs mounted on the back of trucks. Most of the ones I saw were static displays but the other day in vancouver, I saw a city bus with a digital display mounted on the side with rotating ads.
you ever have any issues or did they just take your signs like you said?
Definetely illegal in most places, not saying you will go to jail but its not legal. That's why companies hire sign twirlers since technically the sign is not in the ground it's in a persons hand.
Posted via Mobile Device
They just take the signs... once a cop called me and told me it was against the law and I told him it was a civil thing and not criminal so it was not in his jurisdiction. He proceeded to tell me he was going to file charges, blah, blah, blah... I told him to make sure that they spelled my last name correctly as it has 2 L's in it and hung up on him.

Never heard another word.

You won't have any problems.
well i'm thinking about creating a website with a redirect to an ad. I will register the domain annoy. I won't have any numbers etc on the sign
Websites do not convert like phone numbers do... you can get a virtual number from vumber or one of those guys and have a message on it that says "Go to and make a million dollars" or some such thing.

Virtual numbers are not traceable.
really i would think a website would be a lot easier to remember than a phone number especially when someone is driving by it
People call when they see the sign... a lot of people do not have internet access on their phones still. Bandit sign marketing is direct sales, they see the sign, they make the call, you make the sale.

I've tried it with websites and it was not even close compared to using a phone number.

To qualify some of what I am sharing, I have used them for a mortgage company I owned, for a janitorial service I owned, for a sales organization I owned and I currently use them for a debt settlement company I own.

Take advantage of the mistakes I have made over the past 30 years in business and get a virtual phone #.
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gotcha ! do you think it would work better with cpa or trying to get a bigger clickbank sale?

also with a virtual phone number you can have a custom message? Thanks for all the help
You can put whatever message you want on it... it works just like a regular phone. I would set it to go directly to voice mail with your message. I think you could do well with either cb or cpa... I would probably find one of the better converting work from home offers and make a nice landing page.
I have two signs like this, that I'll stick out once in a while in high traffic locations. Usually only set them out for 24 hours at a time so I don't lose them.
Ex girlfriend worked for the city, and their mandate was to take them down when they saw them, of course city workers are notoriously lazy (her words) so they tend to stay up quite a while here in Calgary. I have both my phone number, and website address on the sign and it results in a few calls (mainly asking me what Internet Marketing is) :)

I'm sure I get a few hits from it, but nothing to write home about.

Never had any calls from the city, or the cops.
I would definitely listen to BassTrackerBoats....

Bandit signs can work!!

He's right, telephone number works best, and use a short/sweet message. People will write down a telephone number and call, but they'll try to remember a website name....and usually they forget.

Get virtual voicemail, and use your message to prequalify people....meaning, use it to weed out people that aren't serious. Otherwise, you can spend a lot of time chasing your tail.

You can check your city's sign's usually listed on their website or just google it.

I used them for credit repair/real estate/mortgage, but your message has to be unique, spark interest, and speak to the benefits of what you do. We used something like:

3/2/2 House For Sale

We'd then have them come in, sign up for credit repair. Once their credit was repaired, we'd get them qualified for a mortgage, and go find them a house to buy. Notice, we said nothing about credit repair, mortgage, or realty services.

Sell the sizzle, as they say....

Every city seems to have "sign nazi's"....those people that make it a point to take down the signs, report you, and/or call.

I'm considering using bandit signs for a gold buying business I have set up. It's a mobile gold buying service where we meet the client at their office or some other safe meeting place:

We Buy Gold
We Make Housecalls!

Any thoughts from anyone????