I would definitely listen to BassTrackerBoats....
Bandit signs can work!!
He's right, telephone number works best, and use a short/sweet message. People will write down a telephone number and call, but they'll try to remember a website name....and usually they forget.
Get virtual voicemail, and use your message to prequalify people....meaning, use it to weed out people that aren't serious. Otherwise, you can spend a lot of time chasing your tail.
You can check your city's sign ordinance...it's usually listed on their website or just google it.
I used them for credit repair/real estate/mortgage, but your message has to be unique, spark interest, and speak to the benefits of what you do. We used something like:
3/2/2 House For Sale
We'd then have them come in, sign up for credit repair. Once their credit was repaired, we'd get them qualified for a mortgage, and go find them a house to buy. Notice, we said nothing about credit repair, mortgage, or realty services.
Sell the sizzle, as they say....
Every city seems to have "sign nazi's"....those people that make it a point to take down the signs, report you, and/or call.
I'm considering using bandit signs for a gold buying business I have set up. It's a mobile gold buying service where we meet the client at their office or some other safe meeting place:
We Buy Gold
We Make Housecalls!
Any thoughts from anyone????