Hi llink80
IF You Are Tired of Disappearing Google Reviews and People Running Away Then
I am the ONE you seek. No proxies, no bots, no fake IPS, no VPNs, no purchased aged Gmail accounts, NO bull shiet. Reviewers with dated
PUBLIC review history list not Private. Just real people from your
local area who have unique Mobile EID, authentic SIM Cards, authentic Phone Numbers with authentic serial #s and REAL Billing addresses.. These are real people just like you and me who use their devices, apps, on a day to day basis . All of reviews arranged by me stuck 97% since October 2023 because it was all done by real people from my clients' local targeted businesses.
https://join.skype.com/invite/c0amoPqHp8oG. Comes with 1 month warranty.
In summary
- I will make arrangements with locals submit a review for your business with 2+ year old google account minimum.
- My reviewers have a PUBLIC history of feedbacks (
NOT PRIVATE) that span out for YEARS that your potential clients/customers can investigate ! (watch out for these) < just shows how real they are.
- Profile photos
- Relevant names to the country they are living in
- Drip rate of .4 to .7 average per day
- Job photos can be included.
See my 100% feedback here from all of my satisfied clients on BHW.
- No minimum order, I will not disappear/runaway/go POOF or keep making excuses for delays! Ask for a refund anytime and you will get it.
- Work samples available for you to investigate.
Please click on my signature for details