Looking for massive PLR content


Regular Member
Oct 30, 2009
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At some point about 4 months ago, I came across a clickbank site selling some kind of article marketing stuff. The kicker was if you bought the product, you got to download a database of 1 million PLR articles.

Now I am sure they are old and rehashed etc, but I wish I would have actually purchased the product (it was 47.00 I think).

I am in need of large quantities of PLR articles for rewriting projects. Does anyone know where I can get some, either free or paid. I am talking 100s of thousands ideally, as I need them on many niches.

Any help would be appreciated -
in the download section a blw user put together a 250,000 or so plr article pack.
Posted via Mobile Device
There's a number of rather large PLR packs you can draw from here in the dowloads section. I can think of 3 off hand that I had downloaded in the past. I'm not sure if the links are still valid though.
Thanks guys, I will take a look and see what I find. It should have been obvious to look there, yet I failed to think about it :)
Thanks guys, I will take a look and see what I find. It should have been obvious to look there, yet I failed to think about it :)

that happeneds to me too.. look everywhere first and look in the
obvious place last :)
I got a over 100k articles on a torrent site, either mininova or the piratebay, but a quick search should uncover some.
I have got a 100,000+ package. Let me know if you are interested.
Don't pay for PLR articles. Search in google for "free PLR downloads". My last check showed 140,000+ results.