Looking for ideas for a new website

Digital Pro

Junior Member
Dec 1, 2019
Reaction score
Greetings to all in BHW,
This is my first post, so if I have it in the wrong place or if it breaks any rules, please delete it.

Every year I build a website and focus on it until it reaches $1000.00 profit per month. I have been doing it for years and have been doing well. 2020 is coming up pretty fast. I am trying to come up with an idea for this year. From flipping through the forums, I see that Porn tubes seem be be pretty popular here. I have been doing a little research and still confused on monetizing them beyond affiliate programs. I am asking the members of BHW for a little help on them. None of my sites are porn related and it's completely new to me. I just see a lot of talk about them in the forums. If they do make money, I WANT IN.

Are they capable (Realistically) of bringing in $1000.00 profit per month on affiliates alone or is there something that I am missing? If so, how?
Also open to any other ideas for a new site in 2020. I am looking for something that I can build on my own servers, set it up properly, and then outsource the tedious stuff of upkeep so that I can just check in on it every now and then, pay the bills, and clear at least $1000.00 per month. I have other projects going on and I like the additional passive income from the sites. I am open to anything that is legal and makes money.

Thanks to all who reply with positive input.