Kickstarter and Indiegogo experience thread


Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
Just wondering if anyone here has used these platforms (or other crowdfunding systems) and how did it go.

Crowdfunding system only work if you have serious plans, and working product. Don't expect people can fund for your project without proper plan.
I have a kickstarter project, even though its not fully funded yet, I was surprised how well its going so far.
depends on what you are doing i did a lot of reasearch and reading on launching a kickstarter for video games. What i found out was before you start a kick starter you should already have everything planned out such as stretch goals. Have a trailer ready (very important) and a website, send personalized emails to gaming websites and if your idea is unique enough they will pick it up and you will get your pledges.

On top of all that you should have a unique product (otherwise these sites wont write about you) plus a very good perks system or you might end up lost in thousands of kickstarters out there never seeing light!
i am also planning to get into this.i guess CF and social media go hand in hand.
If you really want to make it big start a sob story about how you came from below nothing and intrigue your audience with what you learned before you make an offer for them to donate or invest openly with what you provide.

It is all psychology.

If you prefer to make it big, offer something nobody else can. Otherwise you will end up not reaching quota and giving yourself nothing of value.
Crowdfunding system only work if you have serious plans, and working product. Don't expect people can fund for your project without proper plan.

I do have a serious plan, though a lot of projects these days seem to end with someone running away with the money
I have a kickstarter project, even though its not fully funded yet, I was surprised how well its going so far.

What is it about? link?

depends on what you are doing i did a lot of reasearch and reading on launching a kickstarter for video games. What i found out was before you start a kick starter you should already have everything planned out such as stretch goals. Have a trailer ready (very important) and a website, send personalized emails to gaming websites and if your idea is unique enough they will pick it up and you will get your pledges.

On top of all that you should have a unique product (otherwise these sites wont write about you) plus a very good perks system or you might end up lost in thousands of kickstarters out there never seeing light!

Yes to all tho I have my doubts about uniqueness and originality. I see that a lot of successful products are just old-thing-with-a-twist types like the cooler with a Bt speaker or the projector with a round case.

As for gaming websites, well I heard you have to pay them for coverage. Like if you check most successful projects you can see that a member of the team payed the author of a post through patreon, else the game would be ignored. You got a lot of pretty mediocre games getting coverage that way.

If you really want to make it big start a sob story about how you came from below nothing and intrigue your audience with what you learned before you make an offer for them to donate or invest openly with what you provide.

It is all psychology.

Yep same with startups, the whole story its just a fabrication
I have had good experience using Kickstarter with services from KickRank. They provide guaranteed backers too.
Just wondering if anyone here has used these platforms (or other crowdfunding systems) and how did it go.

Yes, used them quite often..and they work well with specific products and a serious plan. Typically, I will spend 3-6 months developing a product and marketing plan and then spend about 20% of the targeted goal on marketing in day one..then watch the results and adjust. Hope that helps!