Journey with Meathead's method [Clikbnk affiliate]


Registered Member
Feb 5, 2015
Reaction score
I just made my MNS website. I wrote one original 900-word article which I tried to optimize for one keyword using a plugin and some websites.
EDIT: Welp I'm banned from YA.
I think I spent around 5 hours doing that, 4 or 5 more articles to go and then it will be all promotion.
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Yes, and they were very quick to ban me. Wow. My post was still helpful so I don't get it...
Good luck. I too just started my website and got 50 views from 3 comments with meathead method. But i'm not selling anything bcos my niche is informational only, so i'm monetizing it with adsense.
Yahoo answers is one of those ones you need to play the slow dance with. I've had accounts banned in the past. Sucks when you have put in the work to level up. Start again as it can be worth it.
Thank you all for your support and advice.
I've had 13 hops and 1 order display so far. I'm taking it slow and steady this time. :)
Update tonight.
Good Luck.

Will follow, Bcoz i am also in CB. Keep it Updated regularly.
Hey Lenna, why don't you go into a little of the actual method so that people get a more complete picture of what you are doing... some people may not search to see what Meathead1234 actually shared and it will benefit more people if you saved them the hunting and pecking.
Nice approach OP. What method {do you use|used to use} to be on|answer question on yahoo answers?
Buzzbundle or direct browser activity?
I`ve trialled buzzbundle, but the trial searched a whole night to return 1 or 2 clickable event to answer to, so I gave up on the trial.
Of course, the full version might be way TOO awesome. I gotta do a dig on here for the kw buzzbundle
I made an account and commented manually but as I'm already banned I'll see what I can do.
So far 33 hops, 1 order display. Not great stats.

EDIT: I might not be very active during the next few days as I have tons of college work.

This experiment will go on at least until I get 1100 hops.
If by 1100 hops I've not sold a single product I'll change strategies or give up for now.
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Yes, well I'm switching to CPA + CB as I'm not even getting order forms calls.
I made $1.44 with CPA lead. And I've stopped promoting for now. What?!

Please devellop a little what you are doing, this is not really understandable for the moment!

Hope you'll make some good money anyway.
Hi all,
Okay, so I've completed changed the main theme of this journey. Maybe I should open a new thread since I can't edit the title.
I'm not giving up on this journey. It's just that there have been, let's say, several "hiccups" so far.
Yes, I've earned $1.44 with CPAlead so far, and also some more money with my books, but I'm UNDER $1 a day for now.

What I've done today:
I spent 2 hours trying to figure out how to make mass Gmail (for youtube) with Bluestacks and other android emulators and I failed miserably. In other words, I won't be able to make Youtube accounts for now.
Is this a big issue? Honestly, not really.
I plan on uploading videos on other video sharing websites. Anyway, I don't know how to make videos yet, so I don't particularly care.

I wanted to get a paid host and had a great coupon, but stablehost told me they didn't want any CPA incentive shenanigans on their shared hosting.

That's actually a big issue for me, because I could have gotten one year of hosting for just $22. I'm going to have to pay more, oh well.
I'm currently looking at hawkhost. I sent them a support ticket asking if they accept CPA incentive "pop-up survey type" offers. We'll see!
Hi all,
Okay, so I've completed changed the main theme of this journey. Maybe I should open a new thread since I can't edit the title.
I'm not giving up on this journey. It's just that there have been, let's say, several "hiccups" so far.
Yes, I've earned $1.44 with CPAlead so far, and also some more money with my books, but I'm UNDER $1 a day for now.

What I've done today:
I spent 2 hours trying to figure out how to make mass Gmail (for youtube) with Bluestacks and other android emulators and I failed miserably. In other words, I won't be able to make Youtube accounts for now.
Is this a big issue? Honestly, not really.
I plan on uploading videos on other video sharing websites. Anyway, I don't know how to make videos yet, so I don't particularly care.

I wanted to get a paid host and had a great coupon, but stablehost told me they didn't want any CPA incentive shenanigans on their shared hosting.

That's actually a big issue for me, because I could have gotten one year of hosting for just $22. I'm going to have to pay more, oh well.
I'm currently looking at hawkhost. I sent them a support ticket asking if they accept CPA incentive "pop-up survey type" offers. We'll see!

Don't ask just do it. They dont manually check each site. When you say "popup survey" it sounds spammy, no wonder stablehost said no. I am sure you wouldnt have had any problems with stablehost without asking something like that.
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Jmcgoose you're new and don't have many posts, like me, so maybe that's why you left this message on my thread. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. :)

Look, I'm what they call "grayhat". Mostly honest with a little BS thrown in. Say what you want, but I always abide by (almost) all the rules. And, lo and behold, I still have my Adsense account (it's 8 years old though I haven't reached the threshold yet because I don't have a website anymore), and I've never been banned from anything "important".

The only blackhat stuff I did was the nature of my services on Fiverr (writing fake reviews/comments) but I've stopped that because it wasn't worth the hassle for 3.75 euros.

Also, keep in mind that the simple fact I'm willing to do CPA means I'm willing to push some boundaries. I mean, incentive CPA IS super aggressive advertisement after all. I'm not all for the "well-being and happiness" of my visitors.

I used to be, but really, it's not for me anymore. I want money too. So they're going to "survey up" if they want my content.

P.S.: I emailed Hawk Host, they escalated my email to some kind of boss, and he said I was more than welcome to host my aggressive ads. Now, isn't honesty the best policy? :) This is not an attack on blackhat s blackhat is taking calculated risks, but if it starts with picking a host that might not be a good choice for you, IMO doing something and hoping you don't get caught is so 4th grade.
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well good luck and keep us posted, yahoo is hitting hard on spammers so make sure to use different ids