Seriously i never heard anything about Jekyll, Going to check it.
I agree took me a few months to learn. I received so many errors at the beginning mostly because my computer is not optimized for it.I have found better results with Jekyll blog due to ultra fast site loading and simple minimalist design. I've since then decided to go with Jekyll for a blog.
But installing it is a pian in the ass for the first time and non-coders.
It appears to be secure. There's no login except through the web server. I used Github to host my code for my test site.How secure is it compared to wordpress?
I'll check it out. Thanks. Testing Jekyll right now. I'm just curious who else uses it.Jekyll is a static site. That is why the loadtime is so fast.
What makes WP slow is the loading of its core and the mostly not speed optimized themes (even premium themes because of all the features which are not used by you and basically just wasting space and slowing down the speed of the site).
Best is a custom static site. Look into (Hueman Theme if you do not want to do it completly custom (my recommendation) and if you need an cms behind that to manage your posts, then try the netlify cms.
Hope this helps.