It could be worse. You could be working at Meta.

People working for Google, Meta, etc, in my experience, have very low IQ. Good knowledge does not mean good IQ. Good IQ is needed to implement knowledge. And all the people I've even personally known who worked and are still working in Google, have pathetically low IQ.
They all look like they´re on to something.

This could make a great billboard for a rehab center/facility :D :p :D
Honestly, I question if they're real. Look at their faces and lack of expression. CREEPY
Why does Zuck always look weird
People working for Google, Meta, etc, in my experience, have very low IQ. Good knowledge does not mean good IQ. Good IQ is needed to implement knowledge. And all the people I've even personally known who worked and are still working in Google, have pathetically low IQ.
Then you certainly don't know what IQ is.

It takes good level of intelligence to be able to develop softwares.
The meaning of IQ(or intelligence) is not open to each of our own interpretation.
People working for Google, Meta, etc, in my experience, have very low IQ. Good knowledge does not mean good IQ. Good IQ is needed to implement knowledge. And all the people I've even personally known who worked and are still working in Google, have pathetically low IQ.
People working for Google, Meta, etc, in my experience, have very low IQ. Good knowledge does not mean good IQ. Good IQ is needed to implement knowledge. And all the people I've even personally known who worked and are still working in Google, have pathetically low IQ.

Why do I see this guys long ass, self-absorbed, pseudo-philosophical rambling like almost everywhere I go, across the entire site? Is this a bot?

Back on topic - anybody got even a general idea what app was used for this in particular?