Is AdscendMedia A Scam?


Elite Member
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
I have been using them, made $9 so far but I got my friend to test a email submit, and didn't give me anything, its been like 4 days. Anyone used or is using adscendmedia?
Its not usually the CPA company, but the individual offers themselves.

I've been paid by AdscendMedia, so... I don't think that they are a scam....
Use the Search function and you will find some threads about AdscendMedia.
They are the best CPA network I have ever worked with, hands down. And I've worked with tons. If you think they're a scam because some of their offers "don't work", then you must now really know how cpa marketing and offers work. It's not the network's fault, but the advertiser's fault. Adscend itself is totally legit and has tons and tons of offers, and I wouldn't waste my time with any other network.
Yep, they are okay to work with and they pay. I just wish they had a better gateway / unlocker.
Thanks guys.

jaybird, we're working on it ;) We have some improvements in the development stages. If you have any suggestions feel free to let us know.
They are the least shaving network I've ever come across. And they have a lot of email submits. So far my impression is very good (been using them for around 20 days).
Good company - Have received over 2k from them in the past months. Always on time, no fuss.

Your results may vary with your methods - but I give them two thumbs up based on my experiences.
I got a friend of mine to fill out an email submit offer while I chatted to him on Skype. It's been 3 days now, and there is nothing showing in my account.
That's because most of their email submits don't work until you've reached around the 50th suboffer page. It would be nice if we could actually see the highest EPC instead of relying on their words.
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Thanks guys.

jaybird, we're working on it ;) We have some improvements in the development stages. If you have any suggestions feel free to let us know.

Who's account is this? Someone made this account and asked like the owner. :/
As an affiliate I can say that they are most definitely NOT a scam. I've been paid 2 times.
Okay this may be a little off topic, i'm not questioning if they are a scam or not. But how is the AM towards blanking the referrer?