Invest money?


Sep 10, 2020
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Hello! I am earning 450eur a week! From my real work! Wher can i invest money ? It is possible to star any bussines?
The safest way to invest is to average out the market, by buying a certain amount of ETFs every month. The longterm gains are 8% compounding interest per year.

Investing $500 every month is going to turn you into a millionaire within 35 years.

Watch Stephan Graham and Andrei Jikh on Youtube. They make excellent videos on personal finance and investing.

if you want to be more risky, yieldfarming and cryptolending are a hot topic right now and I’ve made $8k by doing that in the past 2 months. It’s very risky and you’ll need to do a lot of research.
I heard about this! But where can i get site? And i understand why they want to sell sites that already making money?
I would not recommend buying stocks at the moment. Everything is inflated due to covid and money printing.

Put some in crypto or gold. Don't save your money in USD or EUR. When you have enough, you can invest in other online businesses.
The safest way to invest is to average out the market, by buying a certain amount of ETFs every month. The longterm gains are 8% compounding interest per year.

Investing $500 every month is going to turn you into a millionaire within 35 years.

Watch Stephan Graham and Andrei Jikh on Youtube. They make excellent videos on personal finance and investing.

if you want to be more risky, yieldfarming and cryptolending are a hot topic right now and I’ve made $8k by doing that in the past 2 months. It’s very risky and you’ll need to do a lot of research.
Thank you !
I'd go for stocks or if you have any passion about any topic and want to spend some time on a mix hobby-work try creating a blog or any authority site.
I will say you go and invest in Yield Farming that is hot topic of recent times. Visit big exchanges and find which one best for you and invest and wait for results.

CAUTION: Not every yield farming is legit. You need to figure out every project and CHOOSE best one then start investing.
Before you throw your money into anything pay of any debt, 3 -6 month emegency fund and, do your research. Dont throw it all into one thing spread your risk.
I suggest reading Andrew Hallam Millionaire Teacher or Expat investor mainly because he focuses on establishing low cost index ETF portfolio and focusing on Target % for each assest and just rebalance once or twice a year by adding new money/or not if dont have and rebalancing your assests back to the set targets %. Selling your in profit assets to buy your lagging (cheap) assets. In example 70% Stock/Equity ETF like Vangaurd VT, 20% Gov Bond ETF, 10% Gold ETF or you could even add in Crypto ..60%,20%,10%,10%
Your Choice. If you are Europe based then you have access to Vanguard ETFs domiclied in Ireland but availabe on various bourses. The Book will explain why best to invest in what ETFs and domicle could start with one ETF and add other assets to build your portfolio over the years
If you are in it for long term dont worry about market peaks and falls, worry more about broker fees (flat fee or 0% fee, plus low platform fees), ETF management fees (i.e 0.3%, Dividend WHT (although I avoid ETFs with Dividends) just stay focused on adding money and rebalancing year on year. In fact I am happy when an asset price crashes as I buy more.. I take it that it is "on sale"
Have a search for Andrew Hallam he has a Blog, his book will prob take only a few days to read its about €10, Kindle version by the end you will wish they taught it at school he makes investing so easy to understand. Also have a search for Couch Potato investor and the Permanent Portolio.

As others have mentioned read up first and DIY invest dont pay others to do it for you
Good luck on your investment journey
Buy a website or build your own. Then monetize it.
Crypto would be a good choice at this moment. Don't put all the eggs in one basket though.
Invest in TESLA share.. just invest and wait dont sell them
Partner up and set up a physical business.