instant decline, wtf is that!


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2009
Reaction score
CJ really pisses me off
why do they decline my SKYPE application instantly
i tried everything! please help me how to get accepted into skype programme
and why do they decline me
i got in fine. 25% comm is nice but don't know how much revenue you can generate w/ it though. most skype users use free services.
how did you get accepted?
tell me more in details, what is your region, description, etc
Perhaps they're only accepting websites that fit into a certain category? On your application to CJ you assigned a certain category to your website - perhaps they have an automated system that declines website of a certain genre.

I read somewhere that they can also instantly decline applications based on your CJ Account age and success - so perhaps that may be it ! :)
An instant decline can be fixed by just emailing the affiliate manager and plead your case... I've done it several times and had only one tell me no after I explained how I was a good fit for them.
i got in fine. 25% comm is nice but don't know how much revenue you can generate w/ it though. most skype users use free services.
what category did you use to fit in?
CJ isn't likely to be the one declining you. It's the vendors themselves that generally accept or decline affiliates or sites. The instant decline is done on whatever preset parameters the vendors wish to use to pre-qualify affiliates.

But like previously mentioned, try and contact the particular affiliate manager and state your case. Alot of times that works.
