Instagram Mother/slave strategy using real android phones with sim cards


Mar 23, 2024
Reaction score
Hi Everyone, complitely new on this forum.

Im going to setup a phone farm for my OFA, we manage 10 girls right now and im looking to build something scalable during the time.

My plan is really simple, and im wondering if is going to work properly.

STEP 1: Buy 10 new Android smartphones at 100$ each one, and buy 10 sim cards with data plans (one for every single phone), the SIM operator will be the same, Can be this a problem? is it better to choose different operators?

STEP 2: Buy aged accounts, i already have a contact to buy aged accounts, do you have advices where to buy quality accounts?

- for every single phone/sim i'll login with 3 accounts, so in total im going to to work with 30 slave accounts.

STEP 3: i'll warm up every single acconts and ill be careful to not login in the same time but ill split during the days. EXAMPLE: today i do 1 login for every single phone, and i post unique picture never posted for every single account, i dont upload the link in bio or the tag for the main for at least one week. tomorrow ill do other 10 logins etc..

STEP4: After the warm up period im going to follow the limits (maximum 150 follow/day for single account divided in 3/4 different times during the day)

*i dont plan to use proxys because i'll do it complitelly manual - so i guess i dont need softwares, what i want to do is clearly show to instagram im a real user and dont be under the radar.
*im panning to scale this with more phones and automate it not with softwarse but with emplyes that can do this action manually in my office.
*doing the maths, 30*150 means ill follow 4500 people for day, and usually i have 30% of follow back - which is pretty good for my internal analytics, we have high conversion rate and this data satisfy me.

any advice?

ps - sorry english isnt my first lenguage, i could have made some mistake
Software can actually work as it emulates human behavior, I do advise you to do it when u'll scale + u don't necessarily need 10 phones, one with app cloner can be enough. As for the rest, sounds good. The carrier for sims doesn't matter as long as u rotate the IP after each account is used.
Software can actually work as it emulates human behavior, I do advise you to do it when u'll scale + u don't necessarily need 10 phones, one with app cloner can be enough. As for the rest, sounds good. The carrier for sims doesn't matter as long as u rotate the IP after each account is used.
Do you think that in 2024 a company like instagram can't dectet it? i mean maybe after lot of effort, energy and effort you will have something work but is it stable? i need something replicable in the time and pretty ''safe''. thanks for the advice bye te way! do you use softwares as well?
You could also get yourself an Google Pixel 6a or 7 and install GrapheneOS

With GrapheneOS you are able to create 32 user profiles on 1 phone which all have their own device ID

I know that a few OFM guys use this method
never heard about this, ill try thanks! do you have an OFA?
You could also get yourself an Google Pixel 6a or 7 and install GrapheneOS

With GrapheneOS you are able to create 32 user profiles on 1 phone which all have their own device ID

I know that a few OFM guys use this method
I feel like the sandboxing in grapheneos will create issues. This is because each instance of the 32 profiles you have are sandboxed so when TikTok for example can’t get access to any data outside of the app, it is a very rare case for them. Technically they can do nothing but i feel it’ll reduce your trust score. Now, do i think you can configure the sandbox in a way to make TikTok think you’re a typical teenager posting? Yes and I’m trying to figure this out actively now. I would say tho even if they realise, they turn a blind eye if you’re not an idiot. I wonder tho because my big player contacts in OFM are still using physical iPhones, and grapheneos has been around for a while x
Hi Everyone, complitely new on this forum.

Im going to setup a phone farm for my OFA, we manage 10 girls right now and im looking to build something scalable during the time.

My plan is really simple, and im wondering if is going to work properly.

STEP 1: Buy 10 new Android smartphones at 100$ each one, and buy 10 sim cards with data plans (one for every single phone), the SIM operator will be the same, Can be this a problem? is it better to choose different operators?

STEP 2: Buy aged accounts, i already have a contact to buy aged accounts, do you have advices where to buy quality accounts?

- for every single phone/sim i'll login with 3 accounts, so in total im going to to work with 30 slave accounts.

STEP 3: i'll warm up every single acconts and ill be careful to not login in the same time but ill split during the days. EXAMPLE: today i do 1 login for every single phone, and i post unique picture never posted for every single account, i dont upload the link in bio or the tag for the main for at least one week. tomorrow ill do other 10 logins etc..

STEP4: After the warm up period im going to follow the limits (maximum 150 follow/day for single account divided in 3/4 different times during the day)

*i dont plan to use proxys because i'll do it complitelly manual - so i guess i dont need softwares, what i want to do is clearly show to instagram im a real user and dont be under the radar.
*im panning to scale this with more phones and automate it not with softwarse but with emplyes that can do this action manually in my office.
*doing the maths, 30*150 means ill follow 4500 people for day, and usually i have 30% of follow back - which is pretty good for my internal analytics, we have high conversion rate and this data satisfy me.

any advice?

ps - sorry english isnt my first lenguage, i could have made some mistake
For really specific questions, more is answered in ecommerse black hat forums for instance, might be worth looking there if you want to learn more.
Most high level marketers in this space I’ve learned have that background anyway. You just have to be clever to put the pieces together
Do you think that in 2024 a company like instagram can't dectet it? i mean maybe after lot of effort, energy and effort you will have something work but is it stable? i need something replicable in the time and pretty ''safe''. thanks for the advice bye te way! do you use softwares as well?
That’s the point of replicating a human. With 1B+ users, there’s such a spectrum of user patterns, even if your algo is slightly robotic, that’s not enough for them to ban you. Some of the better automation tools have fine grain settings you can randomise things better with, however you should consult a developer or me for this x
Software can actually work as it emulates human behavior, I do advise you to do it when u'll scale + u don't necessarily need 10 phones, one with app cloner can be enough. As for the rest, sounds good. The carrier for sims doesn't matter as long as u rotate the IP after each account is used.
So does this mean that he could purchase a family plan
Hi Everyone, complitely new on this forum.

Im going to setup a phone farm for my OFA, we manage 10 girls right now and im looking to build something scalable during the time.

My plan is really simple, and im wondering if is going to work properly.

STEP 1: Buy 10 new Android smartphones at 100$ each one, and buy 10 sim cards with data plans (one for every single phone), the SIM operator will be the same, Can be this a problem? is it better to choose different operators?

STEP 2: Buy aged accounts, i already have a contact to buy aged accounts, do you have advices where to buy quality accounts?

- for every single phone/sim i'll login with 3 accounts, so in total im going to to work with 30 slave accounts.

STEP 3: i'll warm up every single acconts and ill be careful to not login in the same time but ill split during the days. EXAMPLE: today i do 1 login for every single phone, and i post unique picture never posted for every single account, i dont upload the link in bio or the tag for the main for at least one week. tomorrow ill do other 10 logins etc..

STEP4: After the warm up period im going to follow the limits (maximum 150 follow/day for single account divided in 3/4 different times during the day)

*i dont plan to use proxys because i'll do it complitelly manual - so i guess i dont need softwares, what i want to do is clearly show to instagram im a real user and dont be under the radar.
*im panning to scale this with more phones and automate it not with softwarse but with emplyes that can do this action manually in my office.
*doing the maths, 30*150 means ill follow 4500 people for day, and usually i have 30% of follow back - which is pretty good for my internal analytics, we have high conversion rate and this data satisfy me.

any advice?

ps - sorry english isnt my first lenguage, i could have made some mistake
Why not purchase a family plan for the sims? Instead of an individual plan for each?
You could also get yourself an Google Pixel 6a or 7 and install GrapheneOS

With GrapheneOS you are able to create 32 user profiles on 1 phone which all have their own device ID

I know that a few OFM guys use this method
I feel like the sandboxing in grapheneos will create issues. This is because each instance of the 32 profiles you have are sandboxed so when TikTok for example can’t get access to any data outside of the app, it is a very rare case for them. Technically they can do nothing but i feel it’ll reduce your trust score. Now, do i think you can configure the sandbox in a way to make TikTok think you’re a typical teenager posting? Yes and I’m trying to figure this out actively now. I would say tho even if they realise, they turn a blind eye if you’re not an idiot. I wonder tho because my big player contacts in OFM are still using physical iPhones, and grapheneos has been around for a while x
LOL. Won't know until you try :)
I'm trying to find positivity. take action?
M/S won't give you the same conversion rate as it adds an extra step to your funnel, at this point and with the upfront costs and maintenance costs you would be better running ads or hiring someone to do a private bot.

With software you'll have a wide margin to do experiments/burn accs/etc
You wont be able to send 150/day on constant basis, soon you will get action blocks and unless you have private methods to bypass them, you will be limited to sending 10-15 follows per day, take that in account before calculating results on how many accounts you need etc
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I feel like the sandboxing in grapheneos will create issues. This is because each instance of the 32 profiles you have are sandboxed so when TikTok for example can’t get access to any data outside of the app, it is a very rare case for them. Technically they can do nothing but i feel it’ll reduce your trust score. Now, do i think you can configure the sandbox in a way to make TikTok think you’re a typical teenager posting? Yes and I’m trying to figure this out actively now. I would say tho even if they realise, they turn a blind eye if you’re not an idiot. I wonder tho because my big player contacts in OFM are still using physical iPhones, and grapheneos has been around for a while x
I would love to talk to you about this, PM or TG= mflooding
You could also get yourself an Google Pixel 6a or 7 and install GrapheneOS

With GrapheneOS you are able to create 32 user profiles on 1 phone which all have their own device ID

I know that a few OFM guys use this method

can make user profiles on browser or need to make user profiles in phone settings??
You could also get yourself an Google Pixel 6a or 7 and install GrapheneOS

With GrapheneOS you are able to create 32 user profiles on 1 phone which all have their own device ID

I know that a few OFM guys use this method

how to hide location, how to use proxy on each profile ?