Instagram follower/following counter broken


Feb 22, 2015
Reaction score
Hi ,
This is my first attempt at creating a following base and then monetizing it. I'm currently on ~200/170 and I haven't used any tools to farm liking and following.

When I follow an account, the button goes green, then some time after turns blue again (sometimes immediately). Sometimes it follows the account afterwards and sometimes it doesn't. When I unfollow accounts, it brings my "Following" count down to what it should be, but then when i go back onto my page after a while, the unfollowed account have been un-unfollowed and my following count is back to the original amount or somewhere between what it should be and the original.

I know that I haven't exceeded any limits because this happens no matter how many accounts i've followed before, or however long it's been since the last interaction.

Any help would be appreciated.

Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app?
Several times, yeah. It works fine with any other account, like my personal account. It also won't let me comment on any picture now, as it says my comment was blocked as it's abusive/against the rules.
This isn't a problem with FL. It's a problem with your IG and settings generally.

When you get blocked from commenting, FL can't comment obviously. The same goes for following, when you get blocked and try to follow someone, it will immediately unfollow him.

The ban is usually 24 hours and I recommend you to NOT do any of those activities meanwhile until you get unblocked. After you get unblocked, increase the delay between follows and maybe lower the amount of following per day (if it's too many).
This isn't a problem with FL. It's a problem with your IG and settings generally.

When you get blocked from commenting, FL can't comment obviously. The same goes for following, when you get blocked and try to follow someone, it will immediately unfollow him.

The ban is usually 24 hours and I recommend you to NOT do any of those activities meanwhile until you get unblocked. After you get unblocked, increase the delay between follows and maybe lower the amount of following per day (if it's too many).
he didn't said anywhere that he uses followliker or any other bot for that matter, moreover i'm pretty sure he's doing what he's doing manually, because there was mention about uninstalling/re-installing the instagram app

however i agree that this limitation was imposed by instagram against that specific account of OP for some reason, he must have overdone/overused/misused something without noticing
he didn't said anywhere that he uses followliker or any other bot for that matter, moreover i'm pretty sure he's doing what he's doing manually, because there was mention about uninstalling/re-installing the instagram app

however i agree that this limitation was imposed by instagram against that specific account of OP for some reason, he must have overdone/overused/misused something without noticing

Yeah, I haven't botted anything. This was all manual. I'm going to give it 24 hours or so, logged out, and see if it is a ban/limitation.
I hadn't followed that many people that fast but I had liked a lot of photos to gain attention, so it might be that.