indexing service now?

lately most indexing services seem to have issues, at least thats what i hear from my customers.
personally i dont use these services.
Just wait. Many services are speedlinks links resellers so they doesn't work now, it is a waste of money if you buy something now. Personally I think it will be solved within days, but even Google can't post exact date. JohnMu said on Twitter it will be solved 2 days ago, but so far nothing changed ( ) so it is bigger problem for them
Nothing wrong with indexing services, the problem is with indexing itself, there's problem with google crawlers
Just wait. Many services are speedlinks links resellers so they doesn't work now, it is a waste of money if you buy something now. Personally I think it will be solved within days, but even Google can't post exact date. JohnMu said on Twitter it will be solved 2 days ago, but so far nothing changed ( ) so it is bigger problem for them
is this update?
mods, can you please delete the duplicated threads, it's really messing up the forums
i'm seeing the same thread over 10 times already...