i spammed keyword need suggestions

anthony quinn

Aug 10, 2019
Reaction score
i had two websites ranking for same keyword one was page 2 one page 4 now both sit page 12 i had been using web 2.0's and other sites in this niche thati own and used the same exact keyword about 10-15 times on each now both sites are screwed they have dropped afew places on other keywords not much i have started deleting anchor links on the articles i used any1 have any idea how long this will take google to realise there gone? is it better to disavow them? or am i gunna have to just play the waiting game?
t much i have started deleting anchor links on the articles i used any1 have any idea how long this will take google to realise there gone?
You cant say how much time but instead add some quality links.
Hi mate!
I was passing out through your post and have checked your problem. If you are facing problem with keyword ranking you should try making comment links and PBN links which will help you to rank your site.