How to serach & purchase expire domain for PBN

Sep 18, 2016
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I want to create PBN. How to search & purchase expire domain for create PBN. If anyone will give me any idea then I will be very great full
Here we go, second time I post it today hope it helps.

You may use the search field above too!
If you have money and the will to learn, then you can buy scrapebox, proxies and then google "Find expired domains with scrapebox"
I also posted link to a thread that talks you through the entire process - in your other thread.
But you can use free sites like or you can use scrapebox if you know how, or you can use premium tools like domcop, or you can buy domains from somewhere like domainally.
I can get you those domains. I can also get you an efficient software for finding these domains easily. Message me on skype if you are interested: coderbadass
If you want to buy Domain for your PBN then i advise you to check marketplace or you can look at these two provider here on BHW. Seller 1 & Seller 2 they are both cheap & reliable.
There are few guides based on PBN at BHW. Also i will suggest you to read the Lionzeals PBN guide. And if you want to buy expire domain then i will recommend to contact with @Nargil who can help you i believe.
Just hit me up and I will surely help you out. :)

PS: thanks for the mentions guys :)
start with here