How to make money with a local store?

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Jul 10, 2020
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I'm living in a little city (<10.000 people) with higher GDP in europe, we have store fronts which are used by other people because we don't know what to do with it or how we can monetize customers that are not in the online space.

Are there any unique ideas you saw people are making money with space that isn't used?
Things that aren't possible: restaurant(food), travel agency, hardware store

More "passive" ideas are prefered. Slot machines aren't allowed.

Just out of curiosity, where do you live ?
If you don't mind answer, ofc.
Why would you want to struggle with a business when you get $$$ by renting the spaces? Search for small towns like yours on Google Street View and see what businesses are there.
Why would you want to struggle with a business when you get $$$ by renting the spaces? Search for small towns like yours on Google Street View and see what businesses are there.

Yes, but maybe there are some unique ideas.
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Yes, but maybe there are some unique ideas.
Unique ideas should be related to what you can do without hiring staff, or should function with 1-2 persons, so you can reduce business costs. Also, what works in another town, won't work in yours. What will work on another street, won't work on yours. If your town is visited by tourists for example, you can have a store with handmade products. Either made there so tourists can see and share images on social networks, or either buy them from other places.
Unique ideas should be related to what you can do without hiring staff, or should function with 1-2 persons, so you can reduce business costs. Also, what works in another town, won't work in yours. What will work on another street, won't work on yours. If your town is visited by tourists for example, you can have a store with handmade products. Either made there so tourists can see and share images on social networks, or either buy them from other places.

Yep, that's why something related to food is not really profitable. Actually this is a very tourist based area, but there is no huge attraction or mountain 20 meters away, it would be very hard to make money with these handmade products.

Unique idea costs.

You have to do your own "look here and there" thing.

I wouldn't ask this question if I can just find it everywhere, lol.

Fixed stupid title.

Thanks ;)
What's the daily foot traffic/drive-through traffic?

If it is a place frequented mainly by tourists, having a souvenir shop (with upselling and cross-selling set up) is a solid idea.

Souvenirs in front to attract, local high margin products likely to be popular among tourists inside.
Cross-sell tours, travel & accommodation, and other local attractions.
You can sit there all day and browse BHW. Hire a guy if you want to make it totally passive.

To make it truly unique, have unique souvenirs representative of your region.
A bar by night and a coffee-shop by day.

Also; have table games available to everyone, and offer to hire out poker sets.

This way, you target both teens out for coffee, young adults out for a bar session, and even older adults looking to play poker/table games :)

You're welcome!
What's the daily foot traffic/drive-through traffic?

If it is a place frequented mainly by tourists, having a souvenir shop (with upselling and cross-selling set up) is a solid idea.

Souvenirs in front to attract, local high margin products likely to be popular among tourists inside.
Cross-sell tours, travel & accommodation, and other local attractions.
You can sit there all day and browse BHW. Hire a guy if you want to make it totally passive.

To make it truly unique, have unique souvenirs representative of your region.
Great input, thank you! However I think it wouldn't work in this area because not that many people are walking by. There is an area a few km(miles) away where tourists with good money are literally living, haha. These souvenir stores are making pretty good money.

A bar by night and a coffee-shop by day.

Also; have table games available to everyone, and offer to hire out poker sets.

This way, you target both teens out for coffee, young adults out for a bar session, and even older adults looking to play poker/table games :)

You're welcome!

I think this is a great idea, the only one that should work. Going to research this in my area and suggest that to my people. <3
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