How to find low competition keywords

Its Evan G

Dec 14, 2016
Reaction score
My site is in a fairly competitive niche and I'm having trouble finding keywords that I can actually rank for.

My regular strategy is to check forums in my niche to find ideas, but no matter what kw I search for the top results in Google are always filled with competitor websites. Soon I plan on using Ahrefs 7 day trial to check for keywords that my competition is ranking for, but I was hoping to find some kw's that not everyone and their mom are already writing about

Any tips to find low competition keywords that I can actually rank for with a new site?
Since youre buying ahrefs you should read the Ahrefs guides posted here many guides are there, and once you read them you’ll be able to find low competion words
This question has been answered a bazillion times before, you should have asked 'how do i use the search operator' instead.
Ahrefs is great for checking the competition, but their KD score is awful.

I've done a couple of threads about this, here's one.
Instead of looking for low competition keywords, I suggest you start searching for low-competition niches.
Thanks for the help everyone, I'll start reading through all the articles later tonight when I'm done writing for the day.

And yes I know how to properly search the forum ( ____). I just figured I would create a thread to see if someone would post something I haven't already seen.

And I have another site in a lower competition niche, but I find myself enjoying the writing process for the more competitive niche far more.
The HTML Page Source of Your Competitor's Website. In your Internet browser, go to your competitor's website and choose a page to look for keywords in.
Alexa’s keyword difficulty tool makes it easy to discover keywords with low competition.