Are you trying to get our earning data to sell ?

Does it really matter how much anyone is earning ? You know how much everyone earns and then what ? Your own bank balance increases ?
Are you trying to get our earning data to sell ?
Hahaha yeah, I bet there are some high rollers offering sick amount of cash for 7 anonymous earning reports from this thread. :alien::D

If you are out there(data buyers), I would like to sell my breakfast to lunch ratio data and my gym workout data as well. The price for that is $27k.
I highly doubt people will tell this matter to you, it's none of everyone business and very very bad question to ask anyway so I do recommend you to make your own money and forget about such things like that, do you understand me better or not ? I do not see that.
You can earn as much as you want.
More hardwork more money
currently not yet earn any. still trying to rank up my site
It is much better to get affiliates to market your product and have VA's do support work, then being an affiliate in my experience and option.