How many Customers will Chargeback me (eBay experiment)


Junior Member
Oct 31, 2020
Reaction score
I just sold a shitty high risk service on eBay to test how many Customers will Chargeback me.

Here are my stats
Sales: 468$
Expenses: 0$ (Only my Time)
Chargebacks: 35$ (So far)

Ebay Account: Still alive
PayPal Account: Still alive

I will update this Thread once something changes
And you're not facing any vero issues?

No. It is a service which everyone who speaks a First World languane can provide. I did such a test also once with smm and got 4000$ in Sales (High Drop YT Views). (Only 100$ in Chargebacks)

Whats the point of this, aside from attracting bad karma and not being very nice?
Well, It is free Money and i like to take money out of Albanian Car Dealers to be honest :-)
No. It is a service which everyone who speaks a First World languane can provide. I did such a test also once with smm and got 4000$ in Sales (High Drop YT Views). (Only 100$ in Chargebacks)

So basically it is not a test or a journey, you are just bragging about ripping people off. Right?

Well, It is free Money and i like to take money out of Albanian Car Dealers to be honest :)

I presume you mean free money for you. Not for the poor suckers who by your shitty service. Nice
So basically it is not a test or a journey, you are just bragging about ripping people off. Right?

I presume you mean free money for you. Not for the poor suckers who by your shitty service. Nice
No. If i would like to scam i could just do carding for filling. Im 100% legal. If the Customers dont like the Service (Because it is gone) they can have thier Money back :-)
Good luck with eBay fees... They killed the business for me which is why I stay away from them
No. If i would like to scam i could just do carding for filling. Im 100% legal. If the Customers dont like the Service (Because it is gone) they can have thier Money back :)

So to summarise. You are selling a non existent service and banking (literally) on people not charging back for non delivery of service, which you did successfully for youtube views previously.

That is not Blackhat IM to me, it is fraud. I won't be wishing you good luck or following. Block time.
interesting topic. but why to sell any shitty services when you know that it is shitty?
I just sold a shitty high risk service on eBay to test how many Customers will Chargeback me.

Here are my stats
Sales: 468$
Expenses: 0$ (Only my Time)
Chargebacks: 35$ (So far)

Ebay Account: Still alive
PayPal Account: Still alive

I will update this Thread once something changes
I want the PayPal account ..

How does that work
So you are providing the views or not? If you provide them, why should someone charge his money back? If you do not provide, everyone will charge back and you will also get negative feedback and the account will soon be suspended. So not sure what this experiment is about.
anything risky on eBay will be eventually banned, except if you have a quick and fast method to convert pay pal money to BTC or to cash it out somehow.
So basically this is a Scam-Journey on BHW, and i guess first of it's kind. Subscribing to this. Would be interesting to see how it goes