How get Youtube subscribers with Black hat ?


Dec 15, 2019
Reaction score
I tried many forums but got disappointed nothing worked for me, get some subscribers for YouTube but they unsubscribed with the passage of time
please give me a solution software website hack anything to get fast permanent subscribers free
Your ass wants quick and easy money on youtube.
Its not how it works. Buying subs is worthless you should buy views, a lot ot them . If you get some quality, high retention views your videos may rank and your channel will grow
I tried many forums but got disappointed nothing worked for me, get some subscribers for YouTube but they unsubscribed with the passage of time
please give me a solution software website hack anything to get fast permanent subscribers free
Friend at the moment I am in a similar situation, my best rabbit at the moment is to take a walk in the "Travel" area to get ideas for your own personal projects. Above all, never give up and remember that any way to earn money is to provide a solution to something or someone in the world. : D Welcome to BHW.
Travel zone:
Earn Money Zone:
"If it were easy, anyone could do it."
i am not worries about views i am worries about subscribers permanent
Why someone remains you subscribed if he dont like your content? If you want real subscribers, some of them 100% will unsubscribe you when they dont like your content.
If you just want subscribers who will not unsub then buy fake subs
Regardless of technique, the most important factor that you should focus on would be your content. Techniques are hit and miss - something that work for them may work for you and vice versa.
Want the fast black hat method? Photoshop is your best friend )))
To keep subs you have them follow you doing something.. like the real life vloggers.. who travel to eat in different countries.. Those subs will do all the sharing of your channel ok? If they cannot see your face! Then it will be a failed channel.. So be creative and let your subs see you doing something to keep on them looking forward to your new upload.. And upload like once or twice a day in the beginning.. Simple..
If you're planning for long-term, stick to whitehat and use YT ads to promote your content.
You browsed many forums but such sensitive things are not shared openly cause google can patch things just like that. I have checked their API its possible but i am sure it comes under GREY HAT. Once check 2057 if you did it keep with you or share in VIP zone only never share such things in public good luck.
You browsed many forums but such sensitive things are not shared openly cause google can patch things just like that. I have checked their API its possible but i am sure it comes under GREY HAT. Once check 2057 if you did it keep with you or share in VIP zone only never share such things in public good luck.

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Sadly i couldn't edit post below it is.
Buy youtube subscibers and then see increase in visits on your profile.