how do you network as an internet marketer?


Regular Member
Dec 18, 2015
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i've been in internet marketing for 6 years and the amount of internet marketers i knew then is the same amount of internet marketers i know now, i feel lonely sometimes :(
To be honest, in any other desk job would you really continually meet more and more and more people? At my office job, sure I talk with a few new people, but I still know the same idiots that I started with. So, I don't see that world expanding much either.

I don't think it is a result of being in Digital Marketing, but rather a symptom of growing old and becoming established.
did you make any friends here?
Wrong place to make friends. Networking is NOT the same as making friends. I’ve met 100s of people on here of which a handful are acquaintances, even less people I’ve worked with and probably one or two I consider a friend.
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