How did you get your first ever job?


Registered Member
Mar 15, 2012
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Hi Guys,

I am facing a strange situation, I have never had an actual "job" and spent my time building internet businesses, however I am currently down to only one SEO client so at the start of this year I started looking for a job so I could get a steady paycheck to cover my bills and keep the SEO business as a side gig.

In my town there is little jobs to start with and I have social anxiety disorder so I don't have much in the way of connections, I have asked my friends, applied for at least 100 jobs, even asked if I could do a voluntary position but still nothing!

It's been very demoralizing considering I have decent skills with IM, I figured I would get hired for a sales job or something but its just not happening.

I know times are difficult due to the economy but I can't help feeling I am missing something and that's why I'm getting rejected.

What I'd like to know is how you landed your first ever job (full time)?

Thank you in advance guys.
My first and only full time "job" was because a friend recommended me to another friend of his. I was good at assembling and fixing computers, they offered me a job as a technician of sorts and I took it. I ended up hating it, but I probably wouldn't be where I am now, had I not taken it in the first place.

I've never had to put together a CV or anything like that though. If clients ever asks for my credentials, I point them to some of my previous work and clients.
Honestly, every "real job" I got was through somebody I knew either directly or indirectly. It might help to broaden your circle of friends and acquaintances. Get out of the house more; it's something that we all gotta do more of, anyways (myself 1000% included).
Get out of your comfort zone but at the same time leverage your strengths. Why not target new SEO clients online? Maybe restructure your business to better compete in a changing environment. The traditional economy is not where the action is at. You want to move out of being influenced by big business, not into it. Upwork...
It was at a Subway sandwich shop. My girlfriend (now wife) worked there, and I hung out there when I wasn't in class (freshman in college) and she was working. The owner liked the cut of my jib, and one day they were extremely shorthanded. She tossed me a shirt and visor and told me to get changed and get behind the line.

Ended up working there on and off for the next couple years.
It was at a Subway sandwich shop. My girlfriend (now wife) worked there, and I hung out there when I wasn't in class (freshman in college) and she was working. The owner liked the cut of my jib, and one day they were extremely shorthanded. She tossed me a shirt and visor and told me to get changed and get behind the line.

Ended up working there on and off for the next couple years.
Nothing quite like satisfying customers with a good cock-meat sandwich.

My first job was at a retail store. I would fold a table of 200 shirts only to watch the next kid who was looking for an extra large throw the entire stack of shirts over.

Every job I've had(5) except one was due to a friend or connection who worked there.
I actually wrote about my first job here back in February for a member who felt like they were unemployable.
Let me tell you a short story about my first job and a bit about myself.

When I was 18 years old, I wanted to get a job to find out what I really wanted out of a career and to "test my limits" socially. In case you didn't know, I'm diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome (now called "ASD"), which means the following in my case:

  • I don't make eye contact
  • I can't tell when it's my turn to talk.
  • I can't relate to neurotypicals.
  • I speak formally in every situation.
  • I can't always tell what's socially appropriate.
  • I wear sunglasses indoors due to my senses being hypersensitive.
  • I repeat arbitrary phrases throughout the day (delayed echolalia).
  • I often casually use neologisms around people who don't understand them.
  • I have the social skills of a Pop-Tart.
  • ... And we haven't even begun to scratch the surface of my issues.
I sent out 1 job application because 1 was all I needed; I was confident that I could get my a job on my first try. There was no prior work experience on my résumé, only some volunteer, educational, and technical experience as well as some other generic information.

So there I was, walking in for my interview wearing sunglasses indoors, clothing that had never felt the touch of a tailor (*shudder*), and dress shoes that made me look like I just got out of clown school. I sat down across from the man interviewing me while I was trying my best not to let the interminable buzzing of the flickering lights inundate my senses. After about 30 minutes, I finished the interview leaving the interviewer impressed and received a call the same week letting me know that they would love to have me work there. So, just what the hell did I do to convince that company to hire me? Let me tell you exactly what I did.

  • I researched the company and their competitors, and subsequently demonstrated my knowledge of the companies to the interviewer.
  • I told the interviewer exactly what he wanted to hear during the questionnaire part of the interview, not what I would actually do.
  • I paid attention to his personality type and did my best to describe myself in a way he could relate to.
  • I mimicked his speech pattern and tone (most NTs won't notice this as long as it's gradual) to make him more comfortable when he was speaking with me.
  • I feigned eye contact by looking at the mouth of the interviewer when it was necessary.
  • I planned ahead for the questionnaire part of the interview by researching these questions and forming pre-meditated responses to all of them.
  • I planned ahead for the part of the interview that didn't involve the standard questions. NTs always want to talk about the same crap (e.g., school, work, and sex), so think of every question they would ask you during an interview that isn't related to the standard interview questions. As an example, my interviewer asked me if I was in college and I said, "Yeah, I plan to become a nurse (lie) and I'm working hard toward my goal. Even though school is pretty tough (another lie because school work is easy), I won't give up on my goals". I told him this because he was a college graduate himself and NT college grads absolutely love hearing about the aspirations of the young and the difficulties of college classes that they went through.
Despite my idiosyncrasies, I was able to compensate for them throughout the interview and get a regular job. The point I'm trying to make is that if I was able to do it, then I'm sure you can as well with a bit of practise. While I don't physically have the issues you claim to have, if you think you have bad skin, then exfoliate. If you think you have yellow teeth, then use carbamide peroxide. If you think that you look gross and unhealthy, then start eating better and exercising. Invest in yourself. All of these improvements start with you, and as soon as you start improving yourself, other people will notice as well, including the people who interview you.
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First job was a gas jockey. Wasn't bad but my coworkers were garbage. Alcoholics, people that had their kids taken away for abuse, egomaniacs. Plus it was boring because it was almost always dead.
i went for the interview and got the job :p
Burger king was my first job haha, went to the interview higggghhhh as hell & got the job. It fucking sucked but gave me the drive I have today to never work a dead-end job as I noticed I was going to be the 40+ year old working their for the rest of my life if I didn't change my habits.

I was a little hoodlum high school drop out who sold drugs and had a circle of friends that are now dead or in jail & if it wasn't for burger king I don't know where I would be today!
I walked into a pet store and asked if they need someone to clean all the bird cages. It was a shitty job, but I remember it fondly as the people were very nice and i love animals
Dishwasher for two years then said fuck this shit and started IM. Never looked back since.
Through my friends. They suggested, I applied. Got it.
Was in the summer restaurant as a barman, though
Do illegal activities count as a job ? :D after I finished school 18/19 y/o I was doing blast fishing for 1 year lol. Too lucky I'm still one in piece :D before that a was working in my free time in a print shop.
How I got these jobs: friends ...
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I applied to one job...they hired somebody else, after 1 month the guy they taken was livin and they called me, asking if im still interested. I worked for 3 years as IT technician at that job.
was looking for some money just extra expenses ...Saw ad on newspaper they needed someone who knows Facebook and twitter..dint know shit about IM learnt a lot from there...
75% marketers i met they dont know half of the shit that BHW people know if you are regular here the stuiff you get to learn here makes you best candidate...I dont even have degree
Prolactin division : massage maternals' breasts whom lack of milk; when I was 22. I saw their ads and after a short time training, I worked in the gynecology ward. It's a good job, the market is huge but when their husbands are at present, I make them nervous at first. I handled about
1200 yong mothers in less than 2 years.
Study hard. Got an internship in 3rd year. Get back there and work 9-5 after graduating :)
Then quit after 1 year.