Help with BHW post

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Regular Member
Apr 29, 2023
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How I can mention a specific person in a post, comment, or reply on BHW?

Thank you for your kind help, dear ContentExpert​


Thank you for your kind help, dear ContentExpert

No problem, glad to be of help where I can, check the Newbie Guide when you have time and if you have any further questions, tag me below (now that you know how to) and I’d be glad to help. :)
But only if the user has a username that is more than one char.
Single-letter usernames cannot be tagged but there are only twenty-six of them so you will not need to really ever worry about this.
Single-letter usernames cannot be tagged but there are only twenty-six of them so you will not need to really ever worry about this.
Not if you consider alphanumeric and beyond. BHW allows everything in the username. Not alpha only.
We cant send a personal msg to any member of the platform, what if I want to msg a moderator for help or any kind of complaint?
It will be counted as illegal?
Thread Moved

Question answered by @ContentExpert in the quote below:
Just type @ before the username and the member will be tagged and notified, an example being @Zwielicht and @BassTrackerBoats.
But only if the user has a username that is more than one char.

For example, you can’t tag @g or @v here if I have not mistaken.

May be the devs should look into it. :)

I can bring this up to the rest of the team this week.
We cant send a personal msg to any member of the platform, what if I want to msg a moderator for help or any kind of complaint?
It will be counted as illegal?
You'll be able to message user's after reaching 15 messages (posts).


Question Answered, Thread Closed
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