Help needed - YouTube no subs


Regular Member
Oct 6, 2015
Reaction score
I make my own content, 500 videos, in 1 month, 1.7k+ views, 55 hours+ of watching, AND NO SUBS at all (that 5 subs are mine/family)

What i am doing wrong, that i can't even get 5 subs? I know is not something NEW or something witch get a lot of people togheter, but still i have views, likes, watching time....
I know things take time, but not even 1 natural sub?

Can you gave me some tips please? Thanks!
I make my own content, 500 videos, in 1 month, 1.7k+ views, 55 hours+ of watching, AND NO SUBS at all (that 5 subs are mine/family)

What i am doing wrong, that i can't even get 5 subs? I know is not something NEW or something witch get a lot of people togheter, but still i have views, likes, watching time....
I know things take time, but not even 1 natural sub?

Can you gave me some tips please? Thanks!
The problem is the niche and content I don't think there is an audience for candy crush what I would prefer for you is to make 10 android games with creative commons and adding your voice or you can compare games :)
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I make my own content, 500 videos, in 1 month, 1.7k+ views, 55 hours+ of watching, AND NO SUBS at all (that 5 subs are mine/family)

What i am doing wrong, that i can't even get 5 subs? I know is not something NEW or something witch get a lot of people togheter, but still i have views, likes, watching time....
I know things take time, but not even 1 natural sub?

Can you gave me some tips please? Thanks!
That's a bitch. I have about two hundred subs on my youtube. Lets go sub for sub, I'll pm you my youtube. I promote other people's content for free because I'm a good person. What I do is print out business cards with my youtube on them and tell people to subscribe. Tell people to subscribe, write signs in public with sharpies telling people to subscribe. Do anything you have to do to force people to subscribe! Don't be nice, be an asshole if you have to, just get their subscription and put out great content!
You are focussing too much on quantity. Focus should be on quality.
The gaming niche you chose may not have a lot of interested Audience. When you choose a niche, try to solve problems with your videos.
According to our observations, only 1% of views turn into subscribers. According to your statistics, you should have 17 instead of 5. Perhaps the same people are watching you, or the percentage is really below average. It is possible that for your niche, % of subscribers 5/1700*100%=0.3% is acceptable.

For example, you don’t have pop-up buttons for subscribing at the end of the video, try adding it. Maybe it will help. Our channels have such a button. Also, at the end of the video, recommend other videos from your channel to watch.

Don't forget to share your result with us.
Can you gave me some tips please?
People subscribe to the channels whose content provides some kind of value to them. I may sound harsh here but if I am your well-wisher then I need to give you some honest eye-opening advice.

I saw your channel. Your content is just a screen recordings of basic candy crush game. What value is it providing to the audience? Why would anyone want to subscribe to your channel to see more screen recordings of Candy crush? Ask this question to yourself!

Instead of creating too many screen recordings you should focus on creating informative, entertaining and useful videos for your audience. You should share knowledge about games, upcoming new releases, tips and tricks and game buying guides, game reviews, etc. Only then your audience will be interested to join your channel.

Hope I was able to convey my point clearly to you. All the best mate!
I will try making content with new games in store, put sub button on final videos, and make content on 3-4-5 games/slots at once.

Do you guy know how to find in a easy manner in microsoft store new releases games arcade type or something with level witch can help me make shorter videos and not 30 minutes videos?
I loaded your YouTube channel and basically, I just see level-by-level footage of Candy Crush and other games.

While you're definitely on the right track with your titles, there's simply not enough work put in the description to pull more organic traffic from YouTube.

Also, it would probably help if you have an opening video snippet where a person tries to get the viewer excited about what they're going to watch.

It's also a good idea to use cards to link your videos to each other and possibly have an intro for each video series that explains what's going on and what they should expect.