Help needed to make 5$ per day from Internet

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Feb 15, 2014
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Hi Everyone,

I am from India. I work 12 hrs in my day job and earn around 10$ per day ( sounds pathetic, less than a $ per hour, but its the best i can get). I need to earn some more money to run my family.

After reading though different topics in this forum,i tried a few things

1) Pinterest
2) Posted a Fiverr gigs but found no takers
3) Joined clixsense to click ads ( but the rate in which they show ads it will take years to earn min payout)

I cannot use adsense,as some years ago i clicked my own ad and they have banned me since. Even if i try from different accounts they still get hold of me

I cannot invest any money into IM,as i dont i have any spare to invest....

could you all please suggest a way to make some money.....

Thanks in Advance
I learn Many Ideas from BHW, Use Search button to get your answer..

If you want you should search here and can get ideas .. No One can't come here to teach you...

On BHW there are lot of ways to earn money online all are working methods, so u could do use this platform to implement Your skill as well can earn some money through this methods..
For the easiest ways to earn smallish amounts you could join "bubblews" and write posts about whatever you want , many people say they don't pay but they payed me 300$ in 2 months when I used it last year..

Another easy way is join other sites like clicksense, they are called PTC sites, if you scale up and join lots, keep clicking til you have enough to rent referrals and then they do all the work for you., I am currently on around 12$ a day from my rented referrals on various PTC sites,,

You can pm me if you want more info, I am just above noob level so am more than happy to help noobs
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Agree with Danny111. Writing articles is a good way to earn $10 or even more per day. If I don't have any money, I always resort to writing articles to sate my hungry stomach.
First, you must answer question for yourself. What do you like ? What do you really want to do ? After make answer for yourself. Base on that you can search google or blackhatworld and learn from others.

Good Luck
Try Fiverr, you just need to have patience and ambition! For me this 2 things worked...
Fiverr works. I'll tell you that when I posted some stuff up on Fiverr initially nothing sold for 2 months so I didn't really try. Then one day I redid the banners and post using some creative words to make the products sound much better and within a week I got two gigs sold. I'm selling a gig a week doing nothing really so you really do have to keep trying to make it work like me. My gigs are social media traffic.
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