Help needed! Is Co.CC designation a viable alternative to .com .net .org


Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
Hi ya'll, I am interested in getting some of your PROfessional feeback on what your experience is with the designation or off "brand" website designations such as(, (.info),(.tv), etc in contrast to .com .net and .org for website placement on page one of google. I would love to get a .com .net or .org everytime I wanted to create a website, but if the other off brands I can get for cheap or free are not that much more of a hinderance to my page rank, I would rather use these for economics' sake. Please all well experienced members do not hesitate to put in your 2 cents!
For about the 200th time this month:

It hardly effects website placement (and definitely not as much as domain age). That said, it DOES impact how a potential buyer/browser reflects on the site.
I only use these types of domains if I want to do a quick test on something. If I find that the campaign will be viable I will go out and buy one. I don't see them as long term options.
I actually use but only because my method doesn't require TLDs. 100% profit is awesome.