Has Quora changed ranking algorithm for answers ?


Elite Member
Jr. Executive VIP
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Earlier if I added upvotes to the answer, it used to move up. But now I do not see such effect. I tried on multiple answers. Have they changed something recently regarding this ? Anyone else also facing this ?
I have using Quora for more then a month. It is a great platform to generate traffic and quality leads.
I used it to promote my personal service. I made almost $420 in a week. I was top writer in 3-4 topics. Total I have generated 104 leads and 23% of those converted.

From last week I am trying OP's method. I ranked for a question on 2nd position. I sent traffic to my answer and given upvotes through different accounts.

Here are metrics:
Rank 1 answer: 12.2k views 8 Upvotes
My answer: 12.8k views 11 Upvotes.

I waited 1 day to see changes but My answer won't move. I sent two types of traffic. One was of 30 sec visit and other was of 5-10 min visit.
Yes. Session duration does affect ranking.

So clearly there is something else to rank on first position.
Maybe VPN can work. I have 10 accounts. I am using them through VPN.

One more thing I noticed is that Quora also do shadow ban. (Just my theory) For few days my account get very few reach even on Questions with high followers.
Sometimes it gets lifted in 2-3 days or sometimes 1 month also.

Success on Quora is to answer daily. Answer at least one question but it helps.
Power of compounding!!
I've read in a recent thread that answers from aged accounts tend to bring in larger volume of traffic. Perhaps, aged accounts is what you're missing.
Earlier if I added upvotes to the answer, it used to move up. But now I do not see such effect. I tried on multiple answers. Have they changed something recently regarding this ? Anyone else also facing this ?

Noticed it as well... some of my answers have most upvotes but still not rank #1.