Has anybody used galaksion?

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Oct 23, 2015
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recently I've found cpa network Galaksion. There are interesting proposes on the site.
So I want to use it.
Has anybody used it before? Any reviews?
While nobody answers I try to register in galaksion. but I'm waiting a day and nobody answers me( may be it's necessary to wait?
Waiting for a day so it is ok. the most important is to set after registration appropriate form of ads, earn money and take care of statistics. So have you registered?
Yes you're right. I've registered:) and I choose better forms of ads and as I understant at the same time they test my site as theyu say to choose better ads formats for me, interesting never find this service.
First of all I think is their site for information and I found also on adswikia and adswiki
I think there is not so much information because they are new by comparison with others
So it works!) firstly they gave me a tag not so good so iI earned peanuts. I said them about it.After optimization all is going better
Galaksion's New Website Is Online

Galaksion invites your attention to our new website which has undergone significant changes, both internal and external. The new web presence will mirror our upcoming transition to a more advanced model of digital marketing business with an entire range of previously unseen and groundbreaking details. As such, it is intended to simultaneously maintain our best practices and to create a proper environment and space for the improvements planned.
Our new site features:
  • Galaksion’s new visual style.
  • High-quality graphics.
  • Explanatory guides and illustrations.
  • A comprehensive and user-friendly system of user accounts.
However, the key task of the new site is to serve as a platform for implementation of our ambitious plans. So, we hope that your user experience will be as fulfilling as our own! Good luck with your business and our new website!
Hi everyone!

We are delighted to announce that a preliminary version of our self-service platfrom was recently soft launched. In this piece, we would like to highlight some crucial new elements offered by the Galaksion advertising network.

1. What is unique about the new Self-Service Platform?
We know that the market is full of similar self-service platforms used for digital advertising. Thus, it has been our intention to develop a range of truly distinguishable advantages and properties intended to provide you with increased transparency, efficiency and convenience.


2. Who can use the SSP?
In fact, we have reshaped the entire architecture of our advertising solution. However, those users who want to do their business as before, either as publishers or advertisers, may continue to rely on our team of account managers. In other respects, we added three more groups for experienced customers (each application is subject to approval).

3. What should I expect from the SPP?
We have decided to publish these screenshots in order to substantiate our claims regarding uniqueness and unprecedented advantages of the SSP.

Publisher: dashboard featuring your most significant deltas

Publisher: statistics page with your traffic flow

Publisher: domains page to tune your monetization strategy

Advertiser: campaigns page

Advertiser: campaigns page with advanced settings

Advertiser: personal blacklist

After a series of final tests, the new engine will go live with no limitations in the very near future.

So, stay tuned!
Hi everyone!
We have decided to publish some more good news regarding Galaksion here.
The case is that we are happy to announce the upcoming release of our solution for video advertising, which is a more or less new direction for us. We are sure that this engine will become one of the best platforms in terms of transparency, efficiency, convenience, and quality.

First of all, we would like to stress that we are not going to launch a separate web presence for this solution. It will be available and accessible on our main website.

Formats We Offer to Advertisers
In-Stream All-Roll: your video ads can be shown at any moment you need. That is to say, you can choose any option from the following list.
  • Pre-roll: the ads are displayed before the video starts
  • Mid-roll: the ads are displayed in the middle of the video
  • Post-roll: the ads are displayed after the video ends
  • Point-roll: at any moment (for example, 5th minute or 60th second).
Video Banners are a basic out-steam format which resembles a regular banner. However, it displays video ads instead of static illustrations.

Advantages We Offer to Advertisers

However, this combination of formats is not our key advantage as a vendor. After all, you can always find such a mix with other providers. Thus, our key to success consists of both this combination on the one hand and the following factors on the other hand:
  • 100% transparent stats, in full accordance with the IAB standards. That is to say, you have simultaneous access to viewability metrics, view through rates, and amount of interactions
  • 100% brand-safety of your inventory
  • Our view count is performed in accordance with the MRC standard. In other words, each view counts only if 50% of ads’ pixels are in a user’s visibility zone for at least two consecutive seconds
We did our best to cover the needs of as many webmasters as possible. So we can offer:
  • VAST-tags for those who have their own video players supporting VAST
  • Video Banners for those who have no video content on their websites.
Advantages We Offer to Publishers
  • Exclusively branded ads without online-gambling, adult content, and click-unders. Your work with us guarantees that you will not suffer from sanctions imposed by search engines
  • High CPM rates
  • Once again, if there is no video content on your pages, our video banners will be useful for you.
To Sum Up
If you have a site with a player supporting VAST - and you want to monetize your web-presence - we are already waiting for your enquiries and requests.
If you have no player on your website but you like the idea of having a video banner on your pages, we will be happy to receive your applications.
If you want to promote your products and services via an efficient advertising solution, video ads, we would be delighted to talk to you!
Contact us to learn more and to become one of our first partners if the field of video advertisers.
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