Google update again?!

I've noticed G has brought a lot more of my product informative articles up massively, despite them actually having less word count and media than the core product pages themselves, seems to be dancing around a lot within the last few hours
According to Accuranker, nothing "serious" has been going on today, (they use their rank-tracker to monitor large changes by google)
My advice? Wait.

Whenever Google releases some algorithm update, there will definitely be huge fluctuations on all rankings as Google's bots will re-evaluate websites. During this period, you could be ranking for 2nd, then 11th, then 1st, then 20th. etc (and I think that's the cause why some of you are ranking well, but traffic seems to have fallen. Because your website is jumping up and down in the SERPs). It is ongoing and will take a couple of days, if not, weeks for it to settle down. Imagine it as a secretary is filing papers into a cabinet... give it some time and the filing will be completed.

So have a glass!
Uhhmm.. yes, also in my italian network I see some movement starting from 12:00 Am (Italian time) ... we'll see
Even I am facing the same issue. My website has been indexed, but now dropped to 3rd page. How can I overcome this issue?

i wish people would stop creating new accounts and spamming the forum. with a name as "seopulsar" and the question you posted, shows that you have a hidden agenda.

please go away and stop spamming
Google has confirmed a broad core algo update on twitter. per @searchliaison:

"This week we released a broad core algorithm update, as we do several times per year. Our guidance about such updates remains the same as in March, as we covered here..."