Google FRED update hit your website or Not? Both group answer this 10 Question please


Regular Member
Sep 28, 2015
Reaction score
Recent, Google update might have good relation with On-Page Seo. So, I have setup a few question.

Your website got hit or not by Google Update?
Both group please answer below questions.

1) What is your main(3 words) keyword density?
2) What is your 2 words keyword density(if main keyword 3 phrases)?
3) What is your 1 word keyword density?
4) Where you use your amazon/affiliate link in your post( above 100word. below 100 word or more below)?
5) How much affiliate link use per post?(For 1000/2000/3000 word article).
6) Your all keyword only "best......." or anything else like informative post?
7) What is your all post permalink (Only keyword) or
8) What is your title structure? Do you use your keyword at beginning like...Best something or Our top 10 list of best something?
9) What is your backlink anchor text ratio?(Percentage like brand 10%, naked 5% etc, main keyword 15%).
10) How many posts in your website? Did you able figure out that why your website got hit or why your website survive from this fred update? If you able to recover from this update then what kind of change you did?
I got hit. Lost over 50% of traffic. Did nothing to the website and last week it bounced back to its original position. Don't try to fix your on-page and just work on something else. Forget that website for a while.
4) Where you use your amazon/affiliate link in your post( above 100word. below 100 word or more below)?

I don't think affiliate links have anything to do with it. I've seen posts ranking 1 and 2 with the following structure:
H2 or H3 title ---> affiliate link
after a couple of sentences an image with an affiliate link
and an affiliate link at the end.
the whole thing is about 300 words long.

and again
H2 or H3 title ---> affiliate link ...........

and this is repeated 5 or 6 times throughout the post.
I don't think affiliate links have anything to do with it. I've seen posts ranking 1 and 2 with the following structure:
H2 or H3 title ---> affiliate link
after a couple of sentences an image with an affiliate link
and an affiliate link at the end.
the whole thing is about 300 words long.

and again
H2 or H3 title ---> affiliate link ...........

and this is repeated 5 or 6 times throughout the post.

Most probably google work this way: Let say you have a new website. So, in Google eye your Quality Score totally zero. But, within a few month you got a few backlinks from authority site. So, Google will think your site is good and give a specific number. Let say this quality number is 5. Your website will jump and rank.
But, few days later you start to increase keyword density. Thus, Gradually your quality number will decrease. Let say you fall at 2. This website still survive from google update.
Again a few days later, you start to create spam backlinks for your site and gradually your site quality score will be zero.

When your quality score will be less than Zero; your website will hit by google update.

Thus, All site don't work same way that we think. One website have 100 affiliate link but nothing happen but other website only 20 affiliate link still get hit. Because of Overall Qualiy