Game Hack Niche Tank and Gain Back within 7 Days! New Google Update


Jun 2, 2015
Reaction score
hi members,

Google is firing from all guns to Game Hack Niche in Dec 2019.
I Got 02 website derank (not deindex) in Google in Dec 11th. earlier i was thinking that it was something my mistake and i checked every thing like
- bad links (porn adult) in Google webmaster
-manual penalty in Google webmaster
- bad kw like hack (i use other kw to rank)
But i could not find one, then i check the semrush sensor for possible answer and find out that google is doing update.

so, i have tested one trick and with that one of my website get back in no time.
earlier site 1 ranking for 8 kw on no1 position >>> after trick >> got in no2 in one kw rest they are not ranking
site 2 ranking for 4 kw on no1 postion >> got improvement but did not come to no1 they are in no8 now
so, i have done one simple trick
i have given social signal of 2000 and drip fried it for 5 days .
use this and check if your website are gaining on any kw.

yes i admit that i did not get rank on all kw < i get only rank on one kw that too it was on no#2 , but still i am earning from it.

Seo is matter of testing !! share what you have done to get from the google onslaught.
So did you used your own website ? Your own website is ranking .. or is it a parasite?
1. my own website is ranking
2. social signal .. check in fiverr or seoclerk and get it
3. i got only one kw improved in first one and all kw get improvement in second site >> but they were at 8th position