Free Hosting For a/1 Year

well, has a free tier. other than that, i don't really see any company giving you 12 whole months of free hosting. hostkoala is dirt cheap,has a cpanel, and someone just told me it works ok. it seems their coupon code is reddit40, if you want to try.
There is a shared webhosting here in BHW search for it they have great offers i dont remember who posted it but i got mine there i think its "xstel"
launch .
infinityFree + freenom
a zillion other free hostings that you can find by searching free host
web Hosting << give more info what you want..

if you want simple hosting like use cPanel or panelC, search on google free hosting..
you will find like 000webhost, but you will see ads on your site..

if you want host html or static website like jekyll or hugo..
go with, awesome and reliable without ads

if you have advance knowledge about vps, go with
i use this one to host my python website and working awesome
you can also host any code like php, node, go and others on this company.. and yeah no ads..

all above hosting is free forever as long you didn't break their rules..