Free Forum Generator Software


Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
I have forumgenerator, i will send it to you, and you can use it to populate your forum with ease.
You can pull content from yahoo and post on your forum. It post as Thread/Replies.

I need instadigi latest versio, and i will send you my ForumGenerator.

Note: The forumgenerator only Pull answers/reply from yahoo to your forum. It works fine and post with good random names.
I heard that software isnt working anymore @
I have forumgenerator, i will send it to you, and you can use it to populate your forum with ease.
You can pull content from yahoo and post on your forum. It post as Thread/Replies.

I need instadigi latest versio, and i will send you my ForumGenerator.

Note: The forumgenerator only Pull answers/reply from yahoo to your forum. It works fine and post with good random names.

May I get a copy of the forumgenerator. Or if someone has a auto forum populator for mybb I would be will to pay for it. I can not pm so please check my profile for my email.

Thanks guys