For Anyone Making Money With Multiple CB Accounts ...

otrap have you ever tried using a tracking software like prosper202 with clickbank? it'll associate a unique TID with every single sale, and in that way you can split test down to all the levels that you mentioned here.

if you have tried it, just curious as to why you chose to go with multiple accounts instead?
if you haven't, might be something to look into :)
It'll keep track of hops per TID? That'd be nice.

I tried using the TIDs by themselves once, but was frustrated when they didn't show hops per TID in the analytics.

I just may have to do that.

I typically use Google Optimizer, but with some of my sites, the Thank You page isn't the same for every buyer (this is the case with my most recent site as well), so adding the code into there becomes fruitless.

I may look into that, though, Taco. The multiple accounts aren't inconvenient (because of the Master account), but it would be nice to shrink things down by closing the accounts that don't currently have recurring commissions coming in.

Thanks man!