Flash and Photoshop creation 4 FREE!

Apr 24, 2010
Reaction score
Hey guys,

at the moment i'm very bored so i offer you my flash and photoshop skills 4 free. My flash skills are 2/10 and photoshop 5/10. If you want me to create something just let me know all the details and ill do it for you. If you like that service can thank that post!

Best Regards!
Thats really nice of you to offer something like this here.

Why don't you post a couple of samples here so we could know what sort of skills and effects you are good at in photoshop.

I'm extremely interested in your very kind offer, can you please pm me as I have a job for you :) I canny pm you as I'm on my iPad as I'm only seeing the mobile version of this site.
Posted via Mobile Device
Sry but i cant pm. I still have to less posts, ill comment a bit and then ill answer. And ill also upload a ebay design i made for some guys!